LA is the second-largest city in the US. $3 billion might be very reasonable in that context, for police or whatever replaces them.
LA is the second-largest city in the US. $3 billion might be very reasonable in that context, for police or whatever replaces them.
In the United States, how much training is required varies greatly because there’s no centralization or standardization, even by region. Less training required = less pay. There are plenty of police departments around the United States that require at least a 4-year degree in criminal justice to even get your foot in…
You have to have two full years of college credits or two years of active duty military serviee to be able to even apply to be an NYPD police officer.
I think everyone who isn’t making sourdough in my area is making buttermilk biscuits. Haven’t seen buttermilk at the store in a month.
I was like no way Alicia Keys is that weird! Click the link, turns out it’s Alicia Silverstone. Well that makes so much more sense!
Women who refer to themselves as mama bears might be even worse than the mommas lol
I’m from a family who’s first and second generation males all joined the army after immigrating to the north east illegally. There are three green berets, two army rangers, a cook for a nuclear sub and a sailor from a battleship that are uncles or my grandfathers. I was always told that guns were just a part of life…
My mom ... absolutely was in love with Frank (perhaps more than just from afar, but that’s another story).
He fails at being a person because he has never had to before.
That shit doesn’t even work on Hallowe’en. Why would anyone think it would work on one of the most prominent buildings in the country?
Awesome. All serious medical problems clear up when you ignore them.
Except in this case, ultimately it really should fall to the states, unless the states are incapable. The Insurrection Act Trump is citing isn’t a bad piece of legislation. Basically it is designed to be invoked if the states exhaust their resources in stopping widespread rioting/looting/violence/whatever you want to…
Every single thing he says and does is filtered through his “how does this impact me?” lens. “What are they saying about me?” is the only thing on his mind, 100% of the time. Just look at the rocket launch on Saturday, he couldn’t resist using it to attack “the previous administration”, implying that HE was…
Kate Hudson’s company is Fabletics; she has nothing to do with Playtex Baby, which sells bottles and diaper disposal units.
Not enough bad things can happen to this woman, not so much for her “rehoming” of a child like he was a puppy she found in a parking lot but for her mercenary use of and collection of children to begin with. She keeps squeezing out or adopting kids because she knows that babies and toddlers are where the “cute”…
It really doesn’t get much better than late 70's dancing John Travolta, does it?
You think I’m going to stay here with you in this sin wagon?