Myka Stauffer
Myka Stauffer
Other than the circumstance that all the guys come from wealthy families, I don’t see much that’s attractive in any of them. Shep, especially, drinks like he’s in a college fraternity even though he’s forty, and never had a job. He says some incredibly rude, entitled things and seems argumentative and disagreeable.…
I don’t know if that’s an entirely fair take on Cameran. Kathryn was clearly being manipulated and abused by Thomas, but she was also batshit crazy. In one of the early seasons she LOST it and started ranting about how disrespectful and what a betrayal it was to their family that Thomas handed another cast member a…
Yes, judges are basically dictators in their own courts. I don’t think many people understand this. They are the masters of whatever room they are sitting in in their capacity as a judge.
Hahaha, no. No, definitely not. This guy sounds like an asshole, but judges absolutely run the show in their courtrooms. There is a lot of variation in how much they will intervene when a witness is being examined, but judges are probably the only people in the courtroom who are not expected to wait to be told it’s OK…
reducing the amount owed in a friend’s child support case from $10,000 to $300
It’s somewhat refreshing that he asked for, rather than demanded, special treatment, and (apparently) didn’t make a fuss when the answer was “no.”
I like also that he wrote to “Ms. Hunter” - class act, indeed.
Wow. Although Hackman and Lange are both superb actors and probably would have done the roles credit, this is definitely one of those instances where the actors who ultimately played the roles did such a spectacular job as to elevate the characters to icon status. It’s impossible to imagine anyone else stepping into…
Back in the day when I worked at a local Blockbuster as an undergrad, I came very close to getting in a straight up fight with a customer who insisted that the Blair Witch Project was a more terrifying movie than the Silence of the Lambs.
There were a lot of things I regret saying and having done because of that…
You aren’t fat so it can’t make you look fat. However there’s something off about the neckline/waist/hem/the way it sits. Honestly I like it but I think it doesn’t entirely suit you.
I was so happy to see that the advise was don’t tell her. If you tell your wife you will transfer the emotional pain and burden of the secret to her, you will feel better, she will feel worse. And it is unlikely your relationship will recover. This your pain and shame to endure.
You’re wife didn’t bring it up again because she wants to know more. She wants to know if you’re trustworthy, and she thinks more information will help her know for sure.
Gwyneth Paltrow also went for a walk. What could that also mean? [Daily Mail]
That is my understanding of how it went. He is on record having bragged about working the system.
Sheesh, all that uproar and Loughlin ends up serving two months? She should have pled guilty last year like Felicity Huffman did. Just think how much extra it has cost her in attorney’s fees and career destruction. Huffman has a chance to get her career back; Loughlin, not so much.
Thank you.
I agree, but also - her stories are pretty misogynistic at their core. Entertaining enough as a guilty pleasure read but not deserving of the obsessive fandom. Still better than 50 Shades by a mile though.
WHY were you a Roy fan?! He left Pam at a ballgame! He was a mean drunk and he didn’t give a toot about her art aspirations! I’m not saying Jim wasn’t an ass, but Roy sucked.
Harry will be back in the UK within two years. He’s not cut out for life in LA. The prodigal son will be welcomed back with a gentle “We told you so”.