I’m glad you have never met a sociopath. They can be charming. If all monsters looked like monsters everyone would be safe.
I’m glad you have never met a sociopath. They can be charming. If all monsters looked like monsters everyone would be safe.
It’s the “I suppose” that makes it comedy.
allegedly after a student complained that they were targeted by the note.
And subway tile. Don’t forget copious amounts of subway tile.
This makes so much sense. If you found out one of your friends was a vicious sex trafficker and rapist, of course your first thought would be, ‘damn, better let him down easy’. It’s so plausible and makes Prince Andrew look completely in touch with reality and the concept of consequences.
I wonder if this kind of thing is going to keep happening, Katie Ledecky broke women’s swimming (and is only getting started), Phelps did the same for men’s, Usain Bolt did it for men’s track and field, and Biles has destroyed female gymnastics. Are we in a golden age of athleticism or is it just going to get crazier…
My wife concurs. It’s not close.
The Gere/gerbil story is my favourite urban gossip legend ever.
BTW, can’t believe anyone here thinks Stallone was somehow how Gere’s level in either the looks or charms department. Must be a bunch of youngin’s, here. Young Gere made young Stallone looks like a little caveman back then.
“And now we find out that Vice President Mike Pence’s top national security advisor was also on the July 25 call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.”
I keep reading that the reason this is sticking is because it’s the easiest to explain to the public. Basically people are too stupid to read and understand the Mueller report. (myself included)
It would be great if they make that agreement and then Pence never pardons Trump.
Both sides just oversimplify the situation here to a ridiculous degree in order to present us either as what fits their political agenda.
This was beautifully written. Thank you for warming my heart and rumbling my belly.
I think this was the inspiration for SNL Chris Walken skit: “Needs more cowbell”
Ikr? Longing for the good ole days of an old southern racist who at least followed the norms and the law. How low we’ve come.
Yes, Rudy, you file your jaw suit against the swamp. But do it tomorrow, alright? You need your rest now...there there...are you chilly? We’ll have an orderly bring another blanket, ok? Oh! Look, Rudy. Rice pudding! With raisins! Your favorite!
They’re state-level laws, although California does have one.
But will there be a spinoff series - based on the book, of course - called “Big House” and, inevitably “Bigger House”?