If you don’t have/want to take kids (Disney) and you’re not a big drinker/partier (Carnival), then I would suggest Royal Caribbean.
If you don’t have/want to take kids (Disney) and you’re not a big drinker/partier (Carnival), then I would suggest Royal Caribbean.
If you read the entire story behind this, there is overwhelming medical evidence corroborating the assertion that she’s an adult. At the very least, the system of safety nets (both in the adoption process and the psychiatric community) have failed both the adoptive parents AND the person at the center of this whole…
Wait, is this a thing? I once had a 15-year-old boy in my summer school class who made me feel uneasy for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on, and he turned out to be a 22-year-old Ukrainian national who’d overstayed his visa and was paying some family to “adopt” him. He’s now in prison on a bunch of charges.
“There’s nothing crazy going on or anything...”
In recents years Harvard appears to be a hedge fund masquerading as educational institution.
College doesn’t really matter? Do you mean which college you go to doesn’t necessarily matter? Because having a degree definitely matters in a lot of careers.
“their classmates will pester them for the four (or more) years it takes them to matriculate”
I’m surprised he hasn’t threatened to shoot more people.
This is the best piece you’ve ever written on Jezebel, and I’m so sorry for your loss.
a) There’s no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog.
Isn’t the point that Kim will NOT get a law degree and be a lawyer anyway? If she follows through
*nearby CASSETTE player 😉
Christ, even their fights are boring.
This is very timely as my dad was recently diagnosed with a terminal disease and I stand to inherit 1/3 of the value of a 2006 Buick Lucerne with barely more than 100,000 miles on it...
So what’s wrong with being a bitch? Tough and hard to push around. Good qualities in a world leader. It’s not what she is, it’s what she doesn’t have.
I am currently living with my hyper-conservative parents. It has been an eye opening experience as I now need to suffer through Fox news on the daily (rot in hell, Tucker Carlson.) Certain patterns have become evident to me in the few weeks I’ve watched. Fox news ignores the things that really scare them. They can…
Julia’s face was just like, “No problem loser, I was only talking to you because I had to.”
Plus why are we still giving this anti-vaxx whackadoo work??
Speaking of cookbooks and recipes. Has anyone noticed that you can’t just pull up a recipe anymore. There is always a 3 page long backstory before you get to the recipe.