
Did Cruz offer them any soup?

Am I the only one that thinks the whole thing is fake? Spun up by the pair of them to extend their 15 minutes?

In my experience, if you remain entangled with a pathological liar for long enough, they will hurt you. They may not mean to, but they will. They simply cannot help themselves.

First time saying this: thank god I’m too old to give a shit.

What the faaaaaaaaack. Why do people think it is remotely appropriate to take pictures of other people’s children without permission AT ALL?

I respectfully disagree. If they weren’t getting what they want they’d kick this rube to the curb pronto.

🎵 Hold me closer, flaming dancer...🎵

It’s cool. Jared got it covered.

I know nothing about an Air Force plane landing at an airport (which I do not own and have nothing to do with) near Turnberry Resort (which I do own) in Scotland, and filling up with fuel, with the crew staying overnight at Turnberry (they have good taste!). NOTHING TO DO WITH ME

A) We live in the dumbest reality.

Hey now, Chrissy Teigen is famous on her own merits, she’s a model, a chef, and an “influencer” (I dislike the term, but it doesn’t mean she isn’t damn good at it). Don’t just reduce her to “singer’s wife”.

1) Can we have John and Chrissy be the new first couple until Trump is out of office? Any objections?
2) Trump is neither a pussy nor a bitch. Pussies are tough, they really take a pounding. And bitches get things done. Trump is a flaccid penis. 

Get outta here with your rational take, Jerry.

This probably makes me sound like a horrible feminist, but I really don’t give a flying fart that you had kids and also worked, considering you have enough money to pay for good childcare and health insurance without having to worry about paying your rent.  I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a

I commend David Brooks for attempting a different formula than -

source: STEM degrees have zero correlation with not being a moron. I have worked in high tech for 20 years and a lot of ppl i work with are amazing with 1s and 0s and i wouldnt put them in charge of a school crossing guard.

And every crouton has the right to feel slighted by this simile.

Yeah, but it’s kind of a “Jews for Jesus” thing.

Counterpoint: 99% of Catholics I know are Cafeteria Catholics.

“So you said it was 5 to look at it, and 10 to watch you jack off, right? Well buddy, I’ve got a crisp Hamilton burning a hole in my slacks as we speak.”