
That cake is almost all fondant and therefore terrible.

Yes, Abstinence Annie has three fucking kids by two different men, and two out of wed-lock. All while accepting shitloads of money to run around preaching abstinence to teenagers. She probably fucked right after she cashed each check.

For such a seemingly-nice guy IRL, he plays the asshole so well!

And on the bar on that cake is a smaller cake depicting a Casamigos where Randy is wearing a black shirt and George is wearing a white shirt.

Atlee Bay sounds like it should be the name of a Midwest airport store that sells luggage and pashminas.

It’s the equivalent of this:

He hates Cruz in the primary “It’s like being shot or poisoned. What does it really matter?”

Trumps, Hiltons and Kardashians are proof there is no god and the universe hates decent people.

EXACTLY - in law school they tell us it’s unethical to memorize and go from memory. Laws change all the time. That’s why research is so key.

Donate! Volunteer! Go your local government meetings!

Sally Yates for Supreme Ruler of the Universe.

She utterly destroyed Ted Cruz, which was satisfying to watch. Evidently Harvard Law and Princeton can’t teach their students common sense.

I know this story is very entertaining, but for me it raises more and more questions every time new details come out.

Brag/accomplishment thread! My brag is I’M DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL!!! I submitted the last of my coursework today! So to celebrate I made a peach-blueberry pie with tons of crumble on top and I’m having the most amazing burger rn. I put TWO slices of cheese on it because fuck it. Lots of wine. Brag here everyone! Let’s

reading is important, you idiots!!!!!

That metal flame shirt is bringing be back to like 6th grade and all the gross boys I went to middle school with.

I can’t find it but I remember a picture of Kim holding North and then another picture with her back to the camera and little cheeto cheese hand prints all over Kim’s black dress.

I have to get my feet scraped but who will feed the puppies?

Yes! And makes me think of my mom (who loved it). Watched with a couple of my kids. They loved it, too.