ummm Twilight IS a perverted, ignorant and desperate fairy tale. Though yes, the plagiarism here is astounding. I tell anyone who likes FSOG it is literally twilight fan fic.
ummm Twilight IS a perverted, ignorant and desperate fairy tale. Though yes, the plagiarism here is astounding. I tell anyone who likes FSOG it is literally twilight fan fic.
This sounds like a special kind of hell but to each their own.
All you need is a little bottle of tequila
I think that’s problem though. In general I believe sexual assault allegations and I (still) do believe Ghomeshi acted criminally toward the women. However, the prosecution’s case was shoddily established and the witnesses damaged their own credibility by withholding key information and being less than forthcoming…
its a good thing i read this while my colleagues were at lunch, otherwise i’d have to explain why nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Anthony Bourdain is the both the hero we need AND the hero we deserve.
Also - what about women who have transitioned to men? Are they going to throw a shit fit when they are forced to use the women’s room, due to being born with ovaries? I feel like that hasn’t been discussed very much.
Kinja got my back. It’s called A Killer Among Friends. Thoughtful title. And bonus, it stars Tiffani-Amber Theissen. And Patty Duke, the Grande Dame of Lifetime. Can you let us know if you watch it?
Seriously. This is one of my treat nights: I will be having a delicious cheese plate with croccantini, assorted pickled nibbles, olives, and wine for dinner. I am living my best life right now!
Paltrow’s new cookbook contains more than 125 of her favorite recipes that are “surprisingly tasty, with little or no sugar, fat, or gluten”.
@Ingrid Michaelson: Your barista hates you.
I have seen some seriously unintelligent kids graduate high school. You just need to know the information up until you take the test and then poof! It is forgotten.
I dunno, I don’t personally hate his wife, but going for some foreign-born, heavily accented model screams “MRA who can’t stand ‘independent’ American women” to me.
This twit-spat is such a microcosm of what it means to be an American voter in 2016.
Using a loved one’s struggles with mental health against them?
I just said to my husband “The best part about Kinja is that when someone is funnier than you are, everybody wins”
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