
I am progressive as the day is long, but I have zero sympathy for people who try to engender sympathy for themselves and complain how difficult it is for them to make child support payments without any semblance of awareness for their personal responsibility TOWARD THE CHILD THAT THEY CREATED.

There are some people who just don’t really care about food. My sister is like that, and while she doesn’t diet like a crazy person, she just doesn’t really care about what she eats. When she started working out in the mornings she started having cold porridge and tofu for breakfast because it had the nutrients she

On the “lam”.

So, the rest of his money is going towards knee replacements for the lamb?

Kim Fields might have been out of her element but Tootie would have killed.

“Have you lost your mind?” Amy asked. “What do you even know about this man who would become her father?”

“The broken molar in my mouth is being held together with hope, and I haven’t had new clothes in five years. And, sure, there is that gym membership, but only because the one thing people like less than a poor person is a fat poor person.”

“It would have been more lucrative to set up a shoeshine stand.”

I am no one to judge anyone besides myself, but at the end of the day, our circumstances don’t absolve us from our responsibilities. My kids can’t eat my good intentions. My dad graduated college, but drove a cab and worked at a gas station at times to make ends meet. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Jesus Christ. Get out of Portland, immediately. Of course you can't pay child support; you live in an insanely expensive town doing a job that hey, I would LOVE to do except I have bills and kids and zero support from their father in 19 years and I also live in Portland, so I have to have two jobs that I wouldn't mind

It appears she found a real man. Not this fucking loser. He sounds just like my former brother in law, always some excuse for being 50k behind.

Yup, raising kids is very expensive and very hard.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

What'd I'd like to know is how the mothers of your children were keeping it together all this time.

Get a real fucking job. Better yet, get two! You have the time because your kids don’t live with you!. You are a grown ass man, and the fact that you call yourself a writer does not excuse you from being responsible for the lives you created.

That’s how she fortifies that steely gaze.

OMG. The Ted Cruz one. So. Fucking. On. Point.

How is robbery non-violent? I have to assume you meant theft...?

Goodnight. Time for bed.

Excuse me, Mr. LaTour? Phone’s for you: