
Baraka's a well-known classic character, but little known fact: Dead Pool is actually the name of Mortal Kombat developer Loop Daed spelled backwards

That always bugged me too, although he could have also been brought in to adr over another voice actor's work to punch it up, or his own previous work

Man, that explains The Bouncer so much

This is exactly how I watched the show and I can confirm it's a great way to do it

Oh but what a villain <3

"Second Variety" scared the crap out of me when I first read it. It's so bleak, especially that ending. I didn't know it had been adapted, so I'm definitely going to have to see this.

Hm. That makes me wonder if the import dvds of Hellsing have that Mr. Big song during the credits or not… Such a weird choice for that series

Holy fucking shit I like this website and I like these commenters and I like reading these comments but there are some square fucking opinions going on down below where I'm typing this in the disqus box.

I call it Billy and the Cloneasaurus!

Surprised that Robocop and Cheetahmen aren't here. Choices that are too obvious?

His Dark City score is hella

Can't the same be said for all religions? What is a man?

I always figured it was the latter reason. As kids we always fast-forwarded through it, and later I was delighted and perplexed to find it cut completely from the DVD

As a very young child, the way this scene was blocked so similarly to the Mickey Christmas Carol's equivalent really weirded me out

I watched this recently with my friend, and she kept talking about how insanely honestly Caine acts in front of these Muppets. His performance really cements the film's reality in a way that another actor's might not have

I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular quote

Also, Ancient Peoples routinely, routinely, routinely spoke and wrote in metaphors, coding ideas with imagery; they did this so often that an attempt to interpret Exodus purely as literal history is kind of a bonkers way to apporach it, and one that almost completely ensures an incorrect textual meaning

Dick Tracy is excellent, with the exception of one of the Sondheim songs in the centre of the film, which goes about three minutes too long and kills momentum. But the film halves bookending it are great

I'm curious about what movies people have seen that they've gone in wholeheartedly against it, expecting to hate it, and were won over despite themselves.

The Batman movies get a lot of their power from the off-screen mythology, the sense that everything vibrant and grand about the comic book series is imbued in Bruce Wayne's life when the movie isn't showing it, as the movies are so limited in their scope because of the constraints of a film's runtime and assumptions