
I mean if they could plausibly structure the show so that the premise is that it takes place in a much different universe?

Apparently HBO is run by Kang and Kodos.

He called for his MAGA troops to come to DC to protect him. They didn’t show. What does that tell ya?

Stewart: Alexa, make me sound less racist.

Why are they fighting now, when we’re this close to regionals?

A book of any sort would be awkward for him. I bet he leafed through it looking for boobies...

Chances it was The Michelin Man of the year and he’s too lazy to learn and his lackeys are too afraid to correct him?

Fuck you, Trott, you fucking coward.

I just rewatched the original movie a few weeks ago, and not only does it hold up, but it is a FANTASTIC representation of NYC in its grimiest years (late 80s, early 90s). Also, having watched it as a kid and thinking grown-ups were all old, I was SHOCKED that the actress who plays April O’Neil was like 20 in that

This would create jobs.

You give money to rich people, they put it in an offshore account and America never sees it again.
You give the poor and working classes this monthly bump? They will spend it.

This is first time I’ve actually seen a real modern day lynching on video.

If the races were flipped, the black men would never even make it to jail  — they’d be gunned down by police before any arrests were ever made. They had guns. The police felt ‘threatened.’ And that’s all terrified white folk would have to hear.

Holy fuck.

Theatre? Nope! WWE Wrestlemania? Now that is perfectly on brand for him.

I’d settle for Trump being treated exactly as badly as Lincoln, then realize there’s no way he’d ever willingly set foot in a theater.

Karen, Karen, Brenda, Karen

In his defense, it does seem like he was fighting a grin while Ms. Sands was deploying her TSA- approved can of whoop-ass on that drunk bitch.  He had a job to do but was enjoying the hell out of that racist getting her ass kicked

Now playing

Andrew Gillum shortly before deciding to enter rehab:

If this were an episode of Empire, I’d have said they piled too much on for one show.

That tapping sound you hear is the sound of 100 political consultants deleting Gillum’s name from any short list of any important position in any potential administration.