
Unfortunately, it isn’t that much more difficult.  “Crisis Actors” somethingsomething “George Soros” “Deepstate” .....

I am delighted that not only was he heckled, he was heckled by conservatives. It’s harder to spin that one.

You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with

For some reason your comment reminded me of The Californians.

He also keeps talking about how the Democrats are leaking incriminating evidence. Hey Donald, last I checked there are plenty of Republicans on that committee, and yet nobody on your side has leaked anything exculpatory. Wonder why that is?

Unclear, and I desperately hope not, but with the shuttering of Splinter a little while ago and the incredibly stupid “stick to sports” mandate And subsequent firings that led to the *entire* Deadspin staff quitting en masse, it seems like it’s a possibility.

Ivanker and Don Jr. both self-owned. It’s like whatever defect they have is genetic...

I keep being puzzled by Trump’s insistence that people should read the transcript that pretty clearly confirms majority of the accusations. Also it is not a transcript, as was made clear by every reliable media institution that published the summary.

What’s their alternative? Walk? Stay home? LAX knows the score.

RIP Deadspin. Glad everyone got to at least give a final “go fuck yourself” to Spanfeller and co.

Now playing

This seems like a great time to remind everyone that this exists:

Brontosaurs-Ribs delivered to my car window, please. Yabadabadoo!

Jurassic Park VI: Nedry Lives

No! He is so funny in Black Jesus.

Do you think they’re still going with the idea that dinosaurs released into the wild would cause a worldwide cataclysm a la Planet of the Apes? Because that seems highly unlikely to me. You let a bunch of dinos out and they’re gonna get slaughtered right quick...

The only thing I need to know about The Terminator Universe is how it relates to sports and the act of sticking to said sports. 

I really liked Untitled. Truly a one-of-a-kind story.

First, in spite of these being the also-rans, they’re all way better than that thrift store lady getting a murder confession. Second, the Lassen County one sounds like Walker Lake and it is indeed creepy as hell sometimes. Fond memories of driving my Subaru wagon along those dirt roads between there and Almanor. 

Where is the one about a private equity firm that takes over suite of websites and fucks it all to hell?