
yep.  the animated series version of his backstory has to be one of the most sympathetic “villains” in the history of comics.

Show some respect, sir. That’s Condiment KING :)

Loved a tweet I saw but can’t find that poked fun at the outrage shifting from “This movie’s going to spark a violent shooting!” to “this movie is gentrifying some stairs in the Bronx!”

also, ya beat up yer wife ya drunk! Fuck off.

That’s a nice thought, but no. Trump’s narcissistic personality disorder has already rationalized this incident away (they were saying “Lock HER up” obviously).

My hope is that the plot uses this quote from Jurassic Park:

In conversation with Wired, Taika Waititi described Love and Thunder as “more bombastic” than Thor: Ragnarok.

This is some hot Kinja.  Well done, sir.

“I am the future head of PR for the Astros.”

If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.

that position probably isn’t necessary as this looks like something Trump himself would tweet out for “inclusion week.”


Or “Future social media intern for the Trump administration”

If you’re ever feeling too hopeful in humanity, just read the YouTube comments under Weird Al Yankovic’s “Foil” video.

They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”

Trump isn’t physically fit enough to both walk to the mound and throw a ball. His heave would be Monty Burs-esque.

Maxipads go on cunts, so this checks out.

He’d go if they told him they built a wall in the outfield to keep out illegals.

On the flipside of this, I can totally see him using footage of a chorus of boos at rallys to show how the libs and the latinos have invaded our national past time. (signed, a Latino who was unsuccessful in High School at invading our national past time)

Anyone with any doubt that this clown is a Russian asset should be convinced since he took a pass on throwing out the first pitch of the World Series. Jesus, might as well march in the Moscow May Day parade.

50 bucks says he can’t throw a baseball 60 feet, on the other hand.