
With this revelation, it's now anyone's game for Uncle of the Year. Who will take home the golden Unkie?!

Michael Bennett: CUT THE MUSIC!!!!! What I'd like right now is for all you scraggly, skinny jean wearing, local culture stomping, gentrifying New York douschebags to keep the noise down... while I take my robe off and give the ladies a good look at the sexiest man alive!!

"This idea, I like it. We will do this immediately."

To address the heat issues for the 2022 World Cup, Qatar has announced their plan.

While walking the dog?

Baltimore Ravens: "The 15 year-old boy deeply regrets the role he played during the incidents."

Normally my wife doesn't read Deadspin, but she saw this story over my shoulder. Unfortunately, now she knows why I walk the dog so often.

it's not exactly like Romo is going out there with the injuries Batman suffered at the knee of Bane

Another option would be for Perez not to swing at like five straight neck-high fastballs.

"Would you like to go to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance with m-"

(Head explodes)


Judging from the video, it appears there was no resolution.

Expect to see that Cena costume on a discount rack soon because like its namesake, it won't sell either.

A fast throwing relief pitcher/Georgia hick who wants people to speak English does sound familiar.

"Part Deux"? What the fuck does that mean? You wanna fight, asshole? Let's go!

John Rocker Part Deux

Actually, I'm blaming the GF. I bet she didn't want to sit next to her BF so she told the BF that Ryan wouldn't switch seats. Then the BF got all pissed at Ryan even though the GF never even asked for Ryan to switch with the BF.