Wow! Look how small it is compared with those other blubbery CVT monstrosities.
Wow! Look how small it is compared with those other blubbery CVT monstrosities.
No. One of the blonde’s ovaries.
Never knew they had rice in Sweden.
Silly Canada. They think they’re a country.
Totally agree. Then again, it almost matches the disaster which is the front of the current Lexus design language. I suppose, it’s also just the fact that those F cars are so totally off the mark, from a competition standpoint.
Almost all those other cars are non-performance, to say the least. The performance advantage I mention is quite literally that. If adding those extra cheesy tips doesn’t increase air flow, or otherwise improve the dynamics, then leave them off. Otherwise, they’re just ornamental deadweight.
I agree with the rest, about it being a desperate design attempt to be “different”. Further, and while they’re not the only ones, those tips are just purly cosmetic. They provide no performance advantage, and I wouldn’t be surprised if two of the outlets didn’t even connect to the exhaust pipes.
Kudos, Toyota. You made a new sport sedan that looks about eight-years old, and would be competitive about ten-years ago.
Does the purchase price include a high-rise condo, so you can stare down at the thing like this?
You’re doing it wrong.
Seriously. How many IKEA cardboard boxes do you think that took to glue together?
The reason it’s amazing isn’t because it’s small, nor that it was designed to be dropped from a bomber. It’s that it was also designed to be re-captured by that very same bomber, mid-air.
You’re ruining her complaint.
Linda, what is an i3?
Should we even bother talking about the top selling Porsche...?
By default, it is.
I won’t agree on Spartan. However, Glengarry is on another level. Then again, when you cast a movie with the best on-screen talent, I guess that’s helpful.
That’s not a plane. That’s Putin’s mom’s apartment.