
I have always found the verbal similarity of “kawaii”(cute) to “kowai” (scary) to be entertaining.

Texas has been trending more Democrat for over a decade.  This is a panic move on their part.  Panic and/or last ditch tactics rarely work in the long term, although they can be extraordinarily painful in the short term.

It will tickle me if these voting restrictions (which can harm Republican voters too) results in these yoyos getting voted out in the next few elections.

I’ve seen more Buick V6 transplants than 304s. I’m still unclear why that was a popular choice when the AMC I-6 was a great engine.

I’ve never actually seen a CJ-7 with a 4-cylinder, but I know they made them.  They even made a (very few) 4-cylinder diesels with an Isuzu engine.  The vast majority are I-6 engines, but there are plenty of V-8 304s running around.  (and also plenty of conversions.)

I rode modern Triumphs for a couple decades. (Known within the community as “Hinckley” Triumphs to distinguish them from the “Coventry” and “Meriden” factory bikes of the past.) I was forever getting “I didn’t know they made Triumphs anymore!” or worse, “Triumph. Isn’t that made by Kawasaki?”


Yeah, I thought that was pretty tasteless myself.

Oh good.  It’s Disqus, and I have an account.  I can be recognized as “Tarmaque” with a different Rutger Hauer avatar.

Thank you for the invite! I’ll look into it.  

A buddy of mine has a 1995 Ford F350 dually, crew cab, diesel. He’s had it since 1996, and it’s kinda ratty around the edges but still runs and drives. He drives it every day.

Not my car, but my Dad. He was mechanically challenged in many ways. A smart man in some ways, but he didn’t know diddly about cars.

Mount Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument is worth the trip, and you’ll also be close to Mount Rainier which is stunning. I can also recommend driving the North Cascades Highway. (Washington State Route 20)

I remember loving Adams when I was a teen age punk. Then I grew up and started reading real literature. Yeah, he’s still readable but I generally don’t.

No, just because I think it’s a more enjoyable and better crafted story.

My first vehicle was a 1951 International L110 pickup. It was originally a US Marine Corps vehicle so it was gloss olive drab with white stars on the doors. The high school my Dad worked at in the early 70's had bought it as surplus for a grounds maintenance vehicle. In about 1972 Dad bought it from the school for

I’ll take your word for it since I haven’t read the book in a decade or more, but I’ve read it five or six times all told.

I personally don’t really “get” the idea of royals, or why I should care about any of them. That said, from what I can see Harry and Meghan seem to be some of the less offensive of the lot of them.

I saw the Lynch’s movie before I ever read the book. (Just hadn’t come across it yet.) It inspired me to read it. I don’t ever remember Feyd being described as a “big man.”  In fact, he’s described as a “boy” several times, and I took it as fact that he’s not much older than Paul.

Always nice to meet someone who actually appreciates Lynch’s version. Problematic as it is, I still enjoy it if only for the visuals and the casting decisions. I never bought Kyle MacLachlan as a teenage boy (even when he was a teen actor) but other than that the casting was fantastic.