
It’s not one of my favorites, but everyone has a recommended Pratchett novel to start with. The good thing about Discworld novels is few if any of them are really dependent on a previous novel. He’s very good about giving you all the information you need to enjoy it even if you’ve never read one before. Guards!

Oh gods, Pratchett is far and away funnier than Adams, and his books are filled with parody. Adams books are not. They’re just silly. Pratchett’s books require you to be educated, or at very least have a working brain. Take Wyrd Sisters, for instance. An out and out parody of Macbeth. Masquerade is a parody of Phantom

That’s not my point. My point is religious parodies including Pratchett’s kinda bore me these days. It started with The Life of Brian and continues.

You need to be reading Terry Pratchett. Unfortunately he’s dead, but he left us with a treasure trove of very insightful parody novels. Start with Witches Abroad. Thank me later. (Or Guards! Guards! or possibly Reaperman. Some people recommend Small Gods, but while an excellent novel it’s not my favorite.  Religious


I work hauling shred out of a metal scrap yard, and I saw a nearly identical (except red) version of this being dropped off as scrap yesterday. I remember thinking “That’s a shame. Those are becoming rare.” It was actually pretty straight, although it clearly had been sitting out in a field somewhere for a decade or

As is so often the case.

Apparently so, now that I looked it up.

“Everything is poison. It’s all just a question of dosage.”

Well, Clapton stole that one from Bob Marley anyway.  ./shug

Cream was an okay band, but Cream ≠ Clapton.

Never could stand Clapton, but basically kept my mouth shut about it since everyone else seemed to think he’s a genius.

If anyone is hooking up with me, they’re cheating on their own sense of self worth.

My first choice is still Michelle Obama, but I have to say I’d watch the ever living shit out of Jeopardy hosted by Samuel L. Jackson.  Or Ryan Reynolds.

I’m unaware of any “old white folks” who love Steve Harvey. Tolerate him to get their Family Feud fix at best.

I appreciate that, and I never thought for a second I wasn’t.  

Would love to, but Discord doesn’t like me.  It doesn’t like my VPN, and it doesn’t like my phone.  For some reason it thinks my cell phone is a VOIP number, which is nonsense. 

Has anyone else considered that possibly, just maybe, if we started ignoring Kardashian and West that they might just go away?

Ugh. Not quite enough.

Why?  As a gag gift?