
How do you deal with all the people here who hate you because they cannot (for whatever reason) adopt a cat? I’m not allowed to have a cat in my apartment 4-plex. (the previous tenant had seven, and was evicted because of the smell. Hence the new policy.) And I can’t realistically move since it’s a screaming deal

Sometimes going to the comment the pending person is replying to (even if it’s hidden under a “Show replies” pull down) and then going back up and hitting “Show pending” will show a pending reply.

...from what I could tell he smells like he looks.

Like Dolly Parton, I have never been a fan of Reba McEntire’s music but I’ve always been a fan of Reba the person.

I can’t believe that a competent judge doesn’t take one look at this rolling disaster and throw Jamie Spears in the nearest canal.

Thank you!

Thank you, Miss Harker.

*shifty-eyes* It might not have been a typo...

I liked how VW did it, where the main bed folded up into half the settee.  

I have always regretted selling my ‘74 VW Westphalia camper. That thing was amazing, except for 1 thing: The heater sucked. A known problem for air-cooled Transporters and their relations. The sad thing is I sold it for about $2k in the early 90's and it’s probably worth in excess of $30k today in the condition it was

Yes, but can you do a camper conversion out of it?  “VanLife™”

I found out a year after my Dad had died that my brother had been systematically stealing from my Mom for at least that amount of time. It isn’t on the same level since they’re not rich, but $16k of provable stolen funds is a lot of money to a retiree on a fixed income. It was in small amounts like automatic refilling

This is why inheritance taxes are hurting our families!

Beat me to it.

Interesting to bring up Cruella, a movie I enjoyed considerably more than Black Widow. I think it was better made, better written, and on the whole better acted (with the exception of Florence Pugh, who to me right now can do no wrong.)  That, and having “The Two Emmas” chewing scenery at each other was (chef’s kiss)

My mistake.

I figure the more crazies they put up as candidates the more sane the Democrats look. Not that it’ll change any of the Trump base’s minds, but they aren’t really who got him into office in the first place. It was the apathetic and the “sure why not?” votes that got him there. The ones that hated Hillary more than they

I’ve watched a few of Nandi’s covers, but to me Yoyoka is way more effortless. Her fills are better too. Watching her right foot on the bass peddle is like watching a Tool video sometimes. Fast! Then the other day I was watching her on something (don’t remember which one to be honest) when she was inserting a Purdie

Aye, it is. Although I think I like Making Movies or Communiqué better. And you can’t go wrong with the self-titled Dire Straights.  

Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll be seeing my doctor fairly soon, I think. It would be sooner if I didn’t have to deal with my Mom’s medical issues on a weekly basis, and balance that with work.