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I just realized this was all 20+ years ago! Anyway, here’s a good place to start. I wish I could link to the live version which is absolutely amazing, but the album version isn’t bad.

Oh jeeze. When I lived up in the Columbia River Gorge there were lots of turkey vultures. The things are bloody huge! They’d roost up in the trees by the river where I’d go to walk. Intimidating. But they’re migratory and would disappear in the fall.

That could really be interesting! Ariel is the one part that has always been a bit gender fluid. Sometimes played as feminine, other times played as masculine. Caliban is almost always masculine though. That would be a really interesting gender swap to play with!

Yeah, I’m on Metformin 1000mg 2x daily, and Glipizide 10mg 2x daily. Short of me magically losing 25 pounds I don’t see much option other than starting Humalin soon. (That’s the insulin my Mom takes.)  Some extra exercise would probably help, but my feet hurt so bad these days from the peripheral neuropathy that’s

He’s not a jerk, because I’m a jerk and he’s never at any of the meetings.

Also my favorite comment on a Yoyoka performance:

Moral courage is a tear jerker.

My neighbor does pet sitting for a couple who are avid travelers. Earlier this week she invited me over to their house (with permission) to meet their cat. (She texted me “Do you want some pussy tonight?” I knew she didn’t mean the other kind because she’s a lesbian.)  Not as snuggly as advertised, but still pretty

How did they cast Miranda? A woman or a man? That might make a difference in how you stylize your performance, because a Mother/Daughter dynamic is very different from a Mother/Son dynamic, which itself is very different from a Father/Son dynamic or the traditional Father/Daughter role.

I make a sour-cream pound cake that is delicious, and is the basis for a lot of deserts. For instance it makes a great blueberry upside down cake if made in a cast iron skillet, can be made chocolate by adding some melted baker’s chocolate and using brown sugar, and all sorts of other things.

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Supernatural is a masterpiece album, no doubt about it.

Years ago when I was married I bought my Ex a heavy punching bag for her to take out her frustrations on.  When she left me she took it. 😁

Eh, it’s not your fault. I blame my parents. Both had bad type 2 problems. So did my Grandfather. However it didn’t hit any of them as young as I am.  (Diagnosed at 47)

I remember when Time after Time came out, and not really thinking much about it or even listening to it. Then I heard a cover of it a couple of years ago and I think it’s by far my favorite Cyndi Lauper song too. It’s not that the cover was better, but that I had never really listened to it before.

There’s a little group called Shivaree headed by they extraordinarily talented Ambrosia Parsley, who writes most of the lyrics. Mostly they’re only known for the song Goodnight Moon which has been used in a couple of movies (Notably Kill Bill.)

You are a person after my own heart.

Nomnomnomnom... I hate you.

How about a little Dire Straits: Brothers in Arms

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Carlos Santana featuring Eagle-Eye Cherry. Wishing It Was.