
Hell, in the original 1967 Casino Royale there are four James Bonds (James Bondis? James Bondages?) in that one single movie!

I really can’t say about Prince Philip, but my Dad loved “Aliens” magazines and books and things. He bought books like Chariots of the Gods and all the UFO magazines on a regular basis.

Upvoted for the proper use of the word “kerning.” 

I can see it, but also not see it.

More like threw too many ideas against the wall to see  which ones stuck.  None of them really did.

I don’t know if they were always played in that order or not. However going in for Totoro and coming out after Grave must have been a jarring experience.

I know a guy who’s got one, although I’ve never seen it. (An ‘05 I think) He doesn’t drive it much from what I understand. He owns a pawn shop and some guy pawned it about 10 years ago for a fraction of its value, then never came back for it. (Yeah, there are people out there that stupid.) I went to high school with

I believe it was Yamaha that had a simpler system in a concept bike that was hydraulic. It wasn’t really a 2-wheel-drive system as much as a front wheel hydraulic traction assist, to enable you to have more control in rough conditions. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it was intended for trials bikes.

I can sum it up for you in one line:

Did you know it was released as a double feature with My Neighbor Totoro in Japan? They were produced concurrently, and it was the only way Miyazaki could get funding for Totoro. They were both financed by the author of the original book on which Grave was based. When they were played together people often left after

As cool as that is, it wouldn’t be my first choice of car from that year. Of the cars I posted I’d probably choose the Scout. I loved my Scout so much. With the 192 I-4 by choice. Crazy, I know.

Lotta eye-rollers on that list. Lotta who-cares.

I would own a GT-40. I would not own a Ford GT. Why? There’s something just special about old-skool sports cars that the new cars just don’t have. Are the new ones faster? Yeah. Does that make them more fun? No. Or only for horsepower addicts.

You’re high. I-6 stands for “Inline-6" which is what all the early Ford six cylinder engines were called. I know some people call them “L-6" engines, but that is a very old designation that comes from the old “L-head” engines back in the day. An “L-head” engine is also know as a Flathead engine, or valves in block.

So did the International Scout, and the Ford Bronco. The Bronco stayed essentially the same from 1966 to 1977. The Scout changed little except in details from 1961 to 1971.

“Today’s task is to write an editorial on the demonstrations. I could do it in my sleep. If the pinkos want to start a war with Denmark, then I have to explain why they’re wrong. If the pinkos want to avoid a war with Denmark, I have to explain why they’re wrong.”

There were indeed women snipers, and the Germans feared them. There were also the Night Witches which used old Russian biplanes to bomb German positions at night. The Germans nicknamed them “Nachthexen” or “Night Witches” because they flew in darkness and would cut their engines to glide in at treetop level for their

If you like stories like this, pick up a copy of Rejected Princesses. The premise of the book is a series of stories about real (mostly) historical women who Disney would reject as Princesses. Complete with fantastic Disney style illustrations. It includes the story of Mariya Oktyabrskaya, and 98 more decidedly not

Oh man, back in the early 90's I had a 74 Westie. That thing was so cool, but I sold it because I got tired of driving around with its primitive heating system. I wish I still had it today. In the condition it was in when I sold it for $2000, today it would be worth in excess of $25,000.

It is!