I read this elsewhere:
The one I had back in 1990 or so never had corrosion problems, but it had all sorts of other problems. Don’t talk to me about thrust washers.
For the love of the gods, why?
At least it’s not an LS conversion. (Just like an ass-hole: everybody’s got one.)
I personally am of the opinion that any modestly cut one-piece is sexier than the most scandalous bikini. I’m also a fan of the “boy-shorts” style bottoms and an almost sports-bra type top.
It looks like an average girl wearing a fashion “swimsuit” designed for highly above average women.
I have to laugh at my step-Grandmother. Her son-in-law drives for Uber, which she pronounces “You-burr.”
Hands off. She’s only 17 in that.
Most people couldn’t type an umlaut if their life depended on it.
*Does it still make you mad that Slater was dancing with a semi-naked Milla Jovovich in Kuffs?
My Grandmother wasn’t Ukranian or anything, but back in the 70's and 89's she tried a bunch of different artsy hobbies. I remember her sitting at her kitchen table (actually a built-in L-shaped table opposite the stove where she ate breakfast every day, and usually dinner) working on her eggs. I was very close to my…
My Grandmother used to do fancy eggs like that. She’d also blow the insides out so she could save them. For a few years she’d do Ukranian Easter eggs, but they were so time consuming she only did about six or eight total. I wish I had one today, but I have no idea what happened to them all. That was back in the 80's.
Write a nice letter to the executive supervisor (on stationary, not email) that says basically “It has come to my attention that “so-and-so” may be leaving the company soon and her position may be open. Before you post this position openly, please allow me to submit my resume and this letter of interest in that…
My ex and I never speak. I haven’t laid eyes on her in at least 15 years, and that was a random situation where she was driving one way and I was driving the other. She left me with the old “You’re a good man!” nonsense, so she could go on fucking whoever she wanted to without feeling guilty. I suspect she now gives…
I compare Nader in many ways to Walter.
It’s a weird one, that’s for sure. Supposedly inspired by the story of Joan of Arc, but I personally don’t really see it. Or kinda? I dunno.
What did you think of The Legend of Billie Jean?