
Of course they are.  We weren’t talking about nominees that would make good judges, but nominees that would make the wax run out of Republican ears.

LOL PLEASE tell me he actually referred to his gun as his “piece.” I don’t know why but that cracked me up reading it.


She wouldn’t accept, any more than she’d run for President.

So you’re advocating for a Pirate nomination?

I have an acquaintance who once said to me “My piece has got me out of a lot of bad situations.” Now I’ve run with a rough crowd at times of my life, and traveled solo on a motorcycle quite a bit. And yet I have never carried or felt the need to do so. I’m pretty sure those “bad situations” he’s talking about came beca

The military’s methods for producing marksmen are not necessarily the best. Given six months of Saturday practice (maybe 2-hours each Saturday) I can make almost anyone an adequate marksman. All it really takes is patience and practice, and some one-on-one instruction.

Her too...

I thought I was the only one who remembered that bitch.

No they’re not. They’re bigger for no reason, have seating because people have decided to use them for people haulers instead of stuff haulers, and we live in a society today where every family has at least two cars anyway. Unless you live in a city, in which case you don’t need a pickup truck at all.

I bet she doesn’t even know the meaning of the word “facetious.”

When I grew up in the Pacific Northwet in a small rural town, most families had a pickup truck. This is not to say that everyone had a pickup. My Grandfather, for instance, drove a Ford pickup. My Grandmother drove Mercury cars. If you were going anywhere that needed seating for more than two (or occasionally 3, since

I am not a lady, but I have dead houseplants that are smarter than Lauren Boebert.

Where else would one store one?  Maybe someone might want to attack her books?

Wouldn’t it be easier to fuck you laying down? Just sayin’.

Don’t you kink-shame me! Don’t you dare kink-shame me!

Most ranges have a culture like you describe, but not all.  The rifle range I was using is unfortunate in that it doesn’t have consistent RSOs at all, although the local Sheriff’s department is also often there.  Unfortunately the only other nearby rifle range is private, and the waiting list for membership is 5 years

Anyone can be taught to be safe with firearms, and most people can be taught to be adequate marksmen. The latter just takes time and practice and patience. However nobody in the United States needs a firearm for protection. The ratio of legitimate use to accidents involving said firearm is really really bad.

I related an incident at an indoor pistol range elsewhere, but here’s an incident at a local rifle range. I had out my single-shot target rifle shooting .22 rimfire at 50 yards. There were a bunch of dude-bros there shooting their military-cosplay AR-15s, and accomplishing little more than frightening the targets. (At

Indeed. It’s a symptom of the paranoia instilled by certain parts of the firearms community in the United States. Too many whackos, not enough brain cells.