
Yeah, the pistol box and ammo bag should have been a clue.

I once had a weird interaction with a woman cashier at a shooting range. I have a credit card with a United Kingdom Union Jack on it, primarily because I ride British motorcycles. I used it to pay for some range time and targets. She took one look at it, looked me in the eye, and said: “So you want to take away my

Oh, burn!

Thank you.

Haha! My Dad was a high school English teacher, but not in the high school I went to. He was also the Speech and Debate coach, and my English teacher was the Speech and Debate coach for my school. So they knew each other pretty well.

Having them loaded and displayed like this is just performative masturbation.

Well, yes an no. Modern firearms theology says to keep your guns locked up when not in use, but that is far from a universal agreement. Some people like this nut feel unsafe unless they have instant access to a loaded “gun” at all times. Which is nonsense of course, but it’s a common point of view.

Also, a “bioethicist” would be 100% against spraying salt on the roads because it gets into the soil and ground water and does untold damage to the biology of the region. 

May I offer you some salt and vinegar potato chips?

Only foreigners* like road salt.

Still rather have a Nobe.

No it isn’t.

Or a Tankgewehr 1918.  Not a bad rifle exactly, but woefully impotent against most tanks by 1942.

Fact, and truth.

Doctor Phil is allegedly a “staff is not allowed to make eye contact with me at all” person. Which pretty much tracks with everything else we know about him.

You are correct. It’s also one of the reasons the Soviets absolutely loved the Bell P-39 Airacobra. US pilots didn’t care much for it because it was slow (and a few other nitpicks) but the Russians loved it because it was tough as hell and provided to them in large numbers, and regularly. (They also made some

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Even if you aren’t particularly interested in learning Japanese, this little video is an interesting look into the differences in culture between Japan and the West in terms of love and Valentine’s Day.

This isn’t exactly news.  People in India have been talking about this for a year.

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What? That’s an oldie. It’s an old Texas term for a pile of cow shit in a field. Famously it was George W. Bush’s nickname for Karl Rove. Also famously what Peter Quill calls Ronan at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Or she’s trying to be Gothy McGothschild.  Who can say?