
Russia doesn’t want him. He owes them money. Saudi Arabia probably doesn’t want him because he’s a political liability. UAE is a possibility. My guess is going to be Israel, which technically should extradite him for prosecution if it goes that far, but as long as indicted criminal Netanyahu (not convicted; yet) is

I’d be happier if they made some amount fewer cars and their quality increased.

I hate you and your pictures of kittehs. I haven’t kept a cat for ages (15 years? More?) and can’t now because of my rental agreement.

Agreed. As is the case of all mind altering substances, which is why I avoid them.

It isn’t who I am either, because I clearly am not a 20-something white girl with the emotional maturity of four year old.

Porter did write the musical Nymph Errant, based on the novel of the same name.

That was a rhetorical question, not requiring an answer.  I’m well aware of not only the reality of the situation, but the history of our nation which brought us to this end.  My point is to show how flawed our system is because it allows for the unscrupulous to insinuate themselves into power, for their own ends

The Founding Fathers obviously did not foresee that a major political party would become profoundly anti-democratic, and no one really grasped until recently just how much of our governing rules were really just broadly-accepted norms without any power of enforcement behind them.

I still don’t understand how a Senator can have more power in some cases as the President. NO Senator should have the ability to unilaterally hold up SCOTUS nominations, push through SCOTUS votes, block spending bills, push through heinous security bills, and otherwise obstruct and confound the running of our country.

Let’s see... what else dumb can we obsess over?

Yup. There is actually a Boston in Lincolnshire, UK. It is, unsurprisingly, the namesake for the Boston in Massachusetts.

No no, you fool!  It’s “Freedom Fascists!”

The “Widows and Orphans Act” which actually declares and funds a new war.

Bleah!  Yuck!

If there is some reason you feel you must bathe your cat this should be a decision you make while the cat is still a kitten.  Semi-frequent bathing in the first six to eight months of a kitten’s life is best.  If a kitten learns not to fear water then it will be easier when it is an adult. The same it true of taking

Oh gods. I had to go down that rabbit hole.

Rule 34 violation!

I must admit to have used it in my own writings.

You forgot “Meta-