
Even were it not a palindrome or reference to vaginas, I would still love the band name.
It's far better than Pixies (whose music I quite enjoy).

Just how high IS Harrison Ford?
Because, he always looks totally high to me.
I mean, when people consume Marijuana via edibles, it goes:
Not high.
Not high.
Bit high? No, not high.
This is not working, I'm still not high.
Not high.
Still. Not. High.
This is BULLSHIT! I am not going to be high.

Please take me to the

El vómito!
I knew I despised him for a reason.

None of these items impress me in a positive way. Barf, barf, and barf.

That spam in human form was a real factor in my hatred for Saturday Night Live.
There are other reasons, better reasons, but I will never forget that fucking face on that smug fuck.

Piling on with Castle in the Sky love. It's not perfect, but it is fabuloso sci-fi.
Same goes for Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (not steampunk), which seemed a bit of an influence on Rey's character in Star Wars 7.


YOU, sir!
Are my new hero!

I prefer "pawned".
I owned you, then took you to the pawn shop and traded you for pennies on the dollar.
Trying a new term for troll comments/commentators, it's "impounded".

That's all right, alright?
I'm Lee Ving today!

Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!
Fix it! Fix it!

Strangely, the worse it looks, the more I wanna see it.

Damn. That's good.

More dismissive than celebratory, but I take your point.

That is so much bullshit.

It's corny as shit. And miscast as hell.

This is correct.
I consider myself a member of generation hex.

I dabble in the occasional Duplass, and I definitely love Baumbach as much as Miller.

Tom Hardy's lips are more important than Mel Gibson's entire acting career!
We all know it and I'll bet I'm not the only one saying it.

I feel sad for the clones, even the Scalia ones.
(But, not the Cheney ones.)
We need to get a copy of the anti-clone legislation drafted between STAR WARS 3 and STAR WARS 7, because it's just not right to saddle a sentient organism with that much history, expectations, etc., the onus of previous existence.
Also, we