
That was an awesome video.
Those police union folks are utter dicks, made from dirty copper.

Fuck your deep dish. It's bullshit.

Gotta say, I went into that piece of shit with as good an attitude and as kindly predisposed as drunk me can, viewing it on initial release.
I found it repulsive.
And now I hate you all.

I love the band. I love the album. Did in 1984 (really 1985), and today.
But, this bit written above is chock full of shit, and by extension, so is the author.
Robert Christgau is also frequently full of shit.
Grade: B- (-)

This Batman will henceforth be known to all (and sundry) as ROBOCARP.

That's twitter, faceboogins, etc.

Makes me happy (and sad).
Thank you, av club.

I purchase compact discs or vinyl from my local record store (Love Garden in Lawrence, Kanzas).
Sometimes I pay to "own" a download or two. But, I just don't like streaming services, paid or free.

My taco day, lame.
I just consumed 3 of the saddest tacos.
Don't bother with the Taco John's at 23rd & Haskell today, or any other Tuesday.

Sounds complicated.

I seriously, really enjoy GENTLEMEN BRONCOS, and I've had it play in the background (intermittently focusing in on favorite bits) countless times.
Your writing and thoughts are just icing on the pop culture cake.

I finished the season in its first mega promotion Thanksgiving weekend.
"Breaking Bad" this is not.
Waste of binge.

When immersed in a wretched hive of scum & villainy, by all means, take the shot. Practical & safe > noble.

AVC: Let’s talk about your process in a specific example. In one episode, you had to make a meal for a family of four with only a $10 budget. How do you approach that kind of limitation, which would seem to prohibit basic stuff like spices or herbs, to say nothing of limiting your other options?

DT: That was a stupid

Yeah, but the season ends in gut wrenching mediocrity.
What a freaking waste.
Gets a Squaresville C grade from me. Without Tagomi, C-.

You're old.

I have a terrible crush on trade minister Tagomi (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa). Don't know why, maybe it's the glasses.
He's not my usual preference in age, or gender, but I wanna go drink vodka martinis with him, all dressed up in black and white.
I'm underwhelmed with, yet sticking with the show, but only for Tagomi.

I do, in fact, come here for the comments & TV club.
This new format is an abomination!

I'm so old, I saw the original STAR WARS movie in 1977 Denver, Colorado, in 70mm.
If I could change just one thing in the entire caboodle, I'd cancel out the revisionism of Greedo getting a shot in, at all.
Han didn't just shoot first, he blasted Greedo from under the table, fucker never stood a chance.

I love your name.
That is all.