
Jackie Brown Is way better than Pulp Fiction. For reals.

Isn't Nicola Six a character from the book?

I love your formatting in your comments.
It's beautiful.
Sorry Mikey Goldman's a total douchebag.

I love you, because I saw it too!

Sounds about right. Guh.

"Snyderesque nihilism"!
Ha! I like it.
Just saw it yesterday, and it is damn good.

America HAS its Lobot/Ugnaught buddy comedy in the stylings of Pence/Trump. The Gamorean pig guard is Bannon.
It's very, very black.

I'd like to get the star wars bundle, but not on amazon. That's just me, I know.

I like you.

I nominate Dolores for Judge Judy & executioner.

Counterpoint: this movie is weak as tea made on its third cup from the same bag.
Lethal Weapon 2 is superior.
The Hidden is far more thrilling and funnier than both.
Robocop is superlative, and Predator is only a millimeter behind.
I'm a big fan of Shane Black, but this? This is so much bullshit.

Completely agree with the writer. I think I'm done.

Thank you.
I like to put words into action (words), especially if those words are someone else's.
Or something.

5 or 6 seasons?!
Ugh. Just binged through Amazon's "Goliath", and while I really enjoyed it, I hope that is all she wrote.
These crews need to keep their shit wired tight. Filthy lucre is the only thing necessitating more than 3 seasons of, "Test the West".
I'll give it 2 more episodes to blow me away, and if too…

I'm in love with your phrase, "and when she realized what was happening, she peaced the fuck out."
Gonna try and incorporate it everywhere even slightly appropriate.

I think she should've used the more accurate term, 'racist shitheels'.

We're all the special victims now, dog.

You made me laugh and fart.

I saw that turd on release. Left the theater demonstrably angry. I was too poor for a decent drunk afterwards.
Hate/1,000 suns, etc. Still!