
Thank You, Tasha
One of my animation favorites of all time would be Kirikou and the Sorceress. I also snagged the last two from Ocelot (not as great, but still decent), but I didn't know this new one was available.

Okay, that made laugh out-loud, Reverend.

I guess low expectations had a lot to do with my lack of disgust with it. I've seen each and every Indy movie in the theater, and man, my disappointment with #3 was similar to all who hated #4. I wanted to love 'Crusade', but I just couldn't manage, and my heart was charred a bit. With this last one, there wasn't any

Crystal Skull Hate
I just can't get in on it, and I'm a true-blue hater. I liked that fridge trick, I liked the monkeys, and even though Karen Allen's performance wigged me out (What have you done to her face, Herr Spielberg?!), I thought it was better than the 3rd Indy's 'Crusade'.

It makes me happy.

@Beauty And The Meast: "ST:Enterprise? I mean, the intro music was beyond hope, but once you got past that, there were a lot of good episodes there."
Well, that's a fatal error for me (intro music being godawful).
Enterprise Showtime: I tune in to channel x.
Enterprise starts with 'the hook' intro (y'know, where we see

@Josh Modell: I remember listening to the complete interview (when it came out, here at AV club), and thinking, initially, as Jian Ghomeshi started, "This guy is kind of being a wee bit of a prick." That was my first impression of the interviewer.
How on Earth could I have gotten that impression?
I'll tell you, since


I'm pro-Beastie Boys, and anti-'63 Corvettes being driven over cliffs. I better see that damn James Tiberius Kirk eating some Iowa corn-fed steak.

I still think Kyle is right-on. I still think Ebert is a good writer and a kind of renaissance man of this era, as he's been a smarter computer jockey than most folks have known how to email. I'm glad he loves more movies than he hates…
But, he's so wrong, so much of the time, and he does phone in the writing, a lot,

I yike kool aid!

Preparation Heche, you're right. And when you're right, you're right. And you're right!
But, as overly dramatic as Dan was, I agree with his intent, just a wee bit. If that movie warrants an A-, I expect the writer to motherfucking prove it using special Opinion Mathematics. Prove to me with your word-sciences that

Nailed it, on the head, babyshaker.

Nathan, you just summed up the exact way I feel about Mr. Moore. Thank you.

I'm filming it right now.

ET. I hate that movie. I hate ET and I want to kill it.

Not a day passes that I don't long for a disintegration booth, but at the end of each of these horrible existences, I have a couple of beers or vodkas, and I no longer desire instant & complete annihilation.

I wish I felt the same way you do, Karatloz. I thought the Hendrix cover was perfect, but the rest was lacking.

Post-Apocalypse Soundtrack
the truth is we're all going down together (we're all Devo, yeah?), and if the apocalypse is coming, it's nice to have these guys back together to sing us a swan song.

The Unicorn of my dreams has zebra stripes (and Pegasus-style wings), and rainbows shoot out of its ass, giving it a rocket boost.