
The problem with that scenario is that the people who are most likely to survive the collapse of human civilization (people with tons of resources at their disposal) are the ones who have caused the problems in the first place.

There’s this pernicious idea that a Green New Deal is outrageous because of its scale and expense. It implies a false choice: that we have the option to either spend a lot of money on a large-scale solution, or we have the option not spend that money and just trust that somebody, somehow will bring us back from the

There’s no such thing as “free healthcare for all.” People are talking about healthcare that’s free at the point of service. Just like there are no “free” roads or schools or parks. Calling it “free healthcare for all” is a tactic to make it sound like an unrealistic socialist fairytale. It’s entirely practical.

This is dumb. You complain that a new green deal is sooooooo costly. Well yeah, it’s not going to be free or even cheap.

There is an AMAZING documentary called “Milk in the Land” about this stuff (the dairy industry and the history of food regulation, etc.). It’s also really beautifully produced, with interesting visuals and sound. I watched it several times through my college. To my immense frustration, I’ve learned that it’s virtually

The funny thing is that gift-giving IS what Christmas is supposed to be about. Wintertime celebrations around the solstice with feasting and gift-giving and so on predate Christianity by probably millennia. The Church just came up with Christmas as a way to convert people more effectively. “Oh, yes, doing pagan shit


Yes! It's bizarre how difficult it is to talk about this stuff.

Oh, you're definitely the troll. :-)

I'm so sorry you had to deal with someone so selfish, and good for you for sending it. All happiness to you.

I’m so sorry you had to deal with someone so selfish, and good for you for ending it. All happiness to you.

Inequity. Not inequality. Sounds like you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about. Or more likely, trolling. 

No, actually.

Only a true piece of shit would pretend like taking responsibility and addressing social inequities are mutually exclusive.

You're talking about bootstrapping, essentially, and it's bullshit. 


Yes, yes, yes.

Don't pretend this is some either/or situation. Your "fuck you, I got mine" philosophy is no way to live a good life.

Yeah, I think that’s important—the original definition is a phenomenon that’s not gendered in and of itself, but it’s something we can talk about as something that women are asked to do disproportionately under patriarchy.