
I see BOEK HE BLUP, but fine.

LOL, we’re so fucked. Best case scenario Joe Biden gets elected by some miracle and then spends four years doing virtually next to nothing to improve people’s lives or address climate change, and then Republicans get to pin everyone’s suffering on Democrats, and they’ll only be half wrong. 

It’s quite literally the absolute least any Democratic nominee for president could offer. And based on Biden’s theory of change (“we’ll win, and then Rs will have a change of heart! we’ve gotta come togehter!”), he’ll probably go with someone who leans conservative. What we need is to have some courage and pack the

Yeah, this is definitely about “lefty puritanism” and not, for instance, the countless people who suffer and die when people like Joe Biden go unchallenged because they’re technically better than the actual living embodiment of greed and malice on the other side. By all means, keep savoring those crumbs, don’t demand

Warren was damaged because she ABANDONED M4A, dude.

Turns out, liberals love voter suppression when it helps their guy!

LOL, what a ringing endorsement of your candidate. Good luck!

Joe Biden eulogized Strom Thurmond, sexually assaulted his staffer, voted for the Iraq war, and has been a loyal friend of credit card companies. He’s better than Trump, slightly.

Wow, I’m owned. Guess you’ll have that to keep you warm when Trump gets sworn in for his second term.

Yeah, no NEW offshore drilling is better than expanding it. It’s also worse than ending it entirely and proposing solutions to climate change that are remotely adequate to meet the scale of the problem. Again, slightly better than Trump. They’re not the same. But Joe Biden is emphatically not a good guy.

Wow, thanks for your input, glad you think that the way to deal with this impending catastrophe is to scold me personally.

Oh no, the cake is absolutely baked, it’s over. The Democratic machine made it clear that they would rather enable a second Trump term than see a democratic socialist in the white house.

“No more—no new fracking,” Biden said.
Biden’s campaign quickly walked back his statement, telling reporters that he misspoke. The Washington Post took the unusual step of factchecking Biden’s comments but letting him off the hook without issuing any Pinocchios with the argument that mistakes were made on all sides.

Voters, especially Black voters, have been standing in long lines to vote longer than Gen Z’ers have been alive.

LOL, yes, we should learn from our incredible success running a highly qualified and experienced centrist in 2016. 

Biden sure as shit does not “align” with Sanders on any policy. He’s slightly better than Trump, and that’s it.

The idea that things like M4A and a Green New Deal are fucking “pie-in-the-sky” rather than necessary, practical, and broadly popular is beyond stupid and insulting. If you have “no hesitation at all” voting for a rapey, lying, racist warmonger who’s been on the wrong side of every issue imaginable, I’m not sure what

On the off chance that this is a genuine question, it’s probably the left-wing voter who’s fed up with the Democratic party taking progressive votes for granted, telling us to basically eat shit and be grateful for their crumbs as they abet fascism and bend over backwards to win over people in the middle, when it’s

Oh, absolutely. We’re completely fucked.

Power concedes nothing without a demand. :-)