
Is a Twitter bio a “professional setting” though? Even if it is, I think the professional world would be much improved if it treated working people as people (with families and interests and lives outside of their jobs). I think it might help encourage more equity in parental leave, for one.

I think that’s a little unfair to the men who are really good fathers, husbands, brothers, etc. I think it’s more that men aren’t encouraged to think of themselves in those terms, in large part because the work of maintaining relationships is feminized (emotional labor), and therefore undervalued in our culture.

Why should anyone define themselves by their career?

Definitely see Adichie’s point but feminism is not about women being like men.

There was a Frontline documentary shortly before the 2016 election that profiled Clinton and Trump side-by side. I sort of knew about what she’d gone through, but MY GOD. She was a badass feminist, and fell just head-over-heels truly and deeply in love with Bill, and what she endured as a political wife in Arkansas

I have some very happy childhood memories of reading on the toilet for so long that my legs fell asleep. So, yeah.

Hey, there’s a reason why popular stuff is popular!


THANK YOU. It’s infuriating when you can’t hear the person sitting next to you at a restaurant.

Muffin! That’s amazing.

Uh ... I’m not the person you seem to think you’re responding to.

Run for office?

Well of course! This isn’t birth control for women! They have to be careful! We wouldn’t want men taking birth control to suffer any adverse effects like, I don’t know, blood clots, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, headaches, bloating, weight gain, mood changes, depression, changes in libido, potentially dangerous

I’m on your side, but get your facts straight, dude. The “AR” in “AR-15" stands for “ArmaLite Rifle” not “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” This is easily Google-able. Don’t make it so easy for people to discredit your argument. That was an unforced error.

But these kids are speaking out collectively, and because of what happened at their school last week, they have the nation’s attention. And I think—I hope—that the conversation is different this time because of it. It feels different, anyhow. These kids aren’t going to allow the GOP to argue for arming teachers in


Apologies are nice, but talking about this shit to other men is even nicer!

And an environmental catastrophe to boot!

It’s great, if you’re into space stuff. Long, and too much death/sex/physics to be appropriate for kids, but very worth it.

Have you read Seveneves yet?