
Great, ‘cause if there’s anything that hot garbage city really needed, it was FEWER trees. Garbage people.

I HATED Inglourious Basterds. (But I did like Django Unchained, with some reservations.) The thing about Tarantino movies is that the ways in which they’re awful are closely linked to the ways in which Tarantino is awful as a person. I still remember a Fresh Air interview where Terri Gross was inviting him to talk

I thought “in all of us command” was already made official, oops. Well, congrats, Canada!

Honestly, I’m ready to give up on the Dems and just put my energy behind the Democratic Socialists of America. They’re everything that the Democratic Party doesn’t have the guts to be.

If I was a betting woman, I’d put money on her running for office.


From what I understand, her family is part of the problem. :-(

Yep, I live in DC. They have all these ugly cars that drive around the nightclub scene selling people “memberships” that come with weed. The legal issues around it are absolutely nutty because of how the federal government has control over DC—it’s illegal federally, but not locally, but also we’re not allowed to

You can’t buy or sell ... nobody said anything about gifts or barter!

You forget that our consumer driven economy has produced the most wealthy, safe, innovative, creative, and sustainable economy the world has ever seen.

It is more than reasonable to have a baseline expectation for your sexual partners that they will respect you, your needs, and your boundaries. This is not “transacitonal,” it’s basic decency. It’s not “prostitute-ish” (for fuck’s sake, dude) to not feel super into the idea of banging someone when they’re not

I don’t want celebrity-politicians to become the norm. But I’d prefer Oprah to Mark Zuckerberg in politics any day. Apparently the Rock is also considering running for president—god love him, but please, I would like our president to have some depth of political knowledge and experience, if at all possible.

This is a FANTASTIC rug.

“In the Dark” is incredible. It’s about the Jacob Wetterling case, but it really transforms into something much larger about a disturbing lack of basic competency in local law enforcement in general, and especially in small towns.

Having four distinct seasons just feels right. Temperate weather all year ‘round is nice, but there’s something about getting through winter that makes you really appreciate when it’s nice out. Time just sort of all blends together when the seasons don’t change. There is nothing like that first warm day in spring when

Yep! That’s a good example.

I like the ones that are SO traditional, they’re not even religious anymore, just thinly-veiled paganism.

Oh my god. No, nobody else likes that.

The worst part about it is that it’s an aggressively effective earworm, so if you hear a snippet of it walking past a store, your entire week is ruined.