Yes, exactly.
Yes, exactly.
I’m older than her and not really a fan of her music, but a really similar thing happened to me some years ago, and it’s incredibly cathartic and validating to see her standing up for herself like this. I wasn’t able to do that at the time, and I’m so glad she is.
Yep. Almost the exact same thing happened to me, and I was totally paralyzed by it. (And I am NOT a shrinking violet, generally.)
I know! I was SO ANGRY at the BF’s reaction for a long time after, and I couldn’t really figure out why. I thought I must have wanted him to go punch the guy in the face or something, but I eventually realized that I was upset because he literally just didn’t seem to care. I wanted him to be angry on my behalf. I…
Thanks :-)
Holy shit that’s awful.
Good riddance to bad exes!
Literally every other pale person I know shares this feeling, yeah. You’re not alone. People just feel like they’re free to make these insane comments! It’s beyond insulting, it makes me feel like an ugly freak, and it serves NO purpose. It’s pure gawking at someone because they look different.
I had almost this exact thing happen to me on my 21st birthday. I went to a bar (stone-cold sober! not that it fucking matters), was about to order a drink, and then I felt someone’s hand reach up my dress (a modest t-shirt dress, again, not that it fucking matters), grab my bare ass cheek, and give it a long, solid…
Good fucking lord, I’m sorry, but as a very fair-skinned person, I fucking hate it when people feel the need to comment on how pale I am, and remind me that I need to wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun. PALE PEOPLE KNOW WE’RE PALE. WE’RE NOT FREAK IDIOTS. WE KNOW ABOUT SUNBURNS. It’s not weird, it’s not all that…
Holy shit even!
Not really!
God, no.
Because ART HISTORY and STYLISTIC CHOICES. I hate that so many people seem to conflate “good” painting with photo realism.
Five dollars can change your life, friend:…
I do think he has a point that white privilege does extend to the transgendered community
It’s sort of crazy, because on one hand, orthorexia is absolutely a Thing now, but on the other hand, with the amount of highly-processed, calorie-dense, nutrient-sparse, preservative-packed, junky and just generally unhealthy food that’s available to us at all times, it takes real effort to feed yourself on a diet…