
LOL, spamming a four-year-old thread with redpill shitlord nonsense is definitely the behavior of a happy person with plenty of friends and hobbies.

You can order Softcups (the website claims you can find them at Walgreens and CVS, but in my experience they’re pretty elusive) or soft tampons.

IT’S A DISPOSABLE DIAPHRAGM. It’s nothing like a makeup sponge, and it’s also nothing new.

Hahah, not a fan of apron-front sinks, I take it?

That’s fascinating! Thanks for sharing.

Shrug emoji.

I think that’s possible ... to an extent. It can be incredibly time-consuming and difficult to do that kind of thing convincingly though (think about getting the shadows right with different light sources and different objects next to each other, or transparent objects, or getting the perspective right on things

Eh, the sink would be easily photoshop-able. My guess is that it’s the same as the first kitchen, just facing those shelves straight-on. Those apron-front sinks are such a trend in the US now, it wouldn’t surprise me if they took it out for other audiences, (or added it in for the US version, as the case may be). And

Duh, yes. (It’s US and China.) That’s not my point. My point is that the latter photo is not the result of “cropping and post-production rearranging” the first photo. They’re entirely different camera angles.

Just FYI (or maybe FYI to Quartz), this is NOT cropping:

I thought Shakira.

“White trash” also sort of implies that people who are not white are trash by default. And in addition to that, it’s not at all racist against white people—it’s classist against poor people. 90% of the time, when people cite examples of “racism” against white people, it’s actually an example of classism. The term

There’s no way Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) should be considered the Democratic Party’s 2020 front-runner.

No, not like the Greens. The “grass roots” refers to broad movements that are bottom-up rather than top-down (originated by and powered by the people, not political leadership). It has nothing to do with the Greens. Where do you get the idea that the Democratic party can’t have grassroots elements?

This is right-on. If Democrats are to learn ANYTHING from the 2016 election, it should be that there is a real appetite for truly progressive policies in this country. Regardless of what you think of Bernie himself (we really don’t need to argue about that anymore, please), the broad popularity of his ideas was

It’s one of my all-time favorites. :-)

Because food is also art and pleasure. We were given eyes, noses, brains, and tongues, and it seems a shame not to use them. Of course, you’re perfectly free to view food as nothing more than fuel. Plenty of people do. And they’re the kind of people who use and enjoy products like this:

Not just possible, it’s pretty common.

Stick with regular ice cream:

they don’t put artificial ingredients to give it the texture like other ice creams