
I think Ishamael is correctly pointing out, though, that there’s a difference in both kind and degree when it comes to the pressures that men and women face. When women try to talk about the incredible pressure to be thin and beautiful, and how that ties into our culture’s sexism, a lot of men try to dismiss that by

how we assign moral values to food and exercise and how supremely fucked that makes our brains

This is really “how to mask strong kitchen smells,” no?

You’re not un-hip. Gender reveal parties are depressingly regressive.

I have a hard time seeing this as an “attack” rather than just criticism—I’m wondering what, specifically, makes you see this as an attack?

I don’t read this particular article as an attack on interracial relationships, though? (I mean, Asian men can have on-screen romances with women who are races other than Asian or white, right?) My main takeaway from articles like this is always just that we need more people of color represented, period. If there

In my experience women who refer to themselves as “Mama Bears” are often obnoxious as hell

That is a man who is happy with his life.

What about Bear on O’Bear?

So are plenty of other things that don’t necessarily belong on IDs.

Sure, I think it’s relevant to have on, say, medical records, but it probably doesn’t make too much sense to have on driver’s licenses and stuff like that.

YES. Exactly.

I’m sure you also spend time criticizing people who “live in the past” by celebrating a 200-year old war fought over tea taxes?

Well, yeah. But HOW she gets photos to post on the blog (downloading them, screenshotting them, getting emailed versions from someone at Zillow, embedding them, whatever) doesn’t matter to the argument about intellectual property. It doesn’t matter at all how she acquired the photos—the question at hand is whether

The intellectual property isn’t really Zillow’s at all, which is what sort of puts the icing on their ridiculous, threatening c&d cake.

I think you’re actually missing my point, there.

EXACTLY. There are a lot of extremely fuzzy bits of intellectual property law around image usage, but McMansion Hell in particular is an incredibly clear and obvious example of fair use. (I say this as a graphic designer and artist who actually has to think about this stuff on a pretty regular basis.)

LOL, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Jesus, no. Do you understand what fair use is? Using someone else’s intellectual property (without payment, permission, notice, or anything else) is completely legal as long as it falls into certain categories of use—for example, critique and satire. Which is exactly how McMansion Hell uses them.