
Noooooooo. Hosting is entirely different from copyright. She’s not embedding images hosted on Zillow anyway—she’s presumably downloading them herself anyway, in order to put her comments onto the images, and then re-posting them. If there’s an intellectual property dispute, the issue at hand is who owns the rights to u

If you squint, it looks like a home built on a lava fl0w.

There’s no shortage of places to get real estate photos on the internet! Zillow doesn’t even own the images—they just aggregate. So she could even theoretically still use Zillow to do research, pull the images, find out where they’re originally from, and then pull from the original source. It doesn’t really matter,

JANE IS BACK?!?!! Yaaaaaaaaaay! We’ve missed you so!

So ... Nori has a puppy named Sushi? I guess they’re going with a Japanese food-name theme for their family, in place of a “K”-name theme?

Yeah, it’s really disappointing. I personally don’t play these kinds of games, but my MOM—a woman in her 60s—has talked about how she used to enjoy playing when she was younger. This was something like four decades ago! Women have always been part of these games, but it’s always been despite a lot of shit they had to

Even worse!

Yes, famous serif typeface, Verdana.

But of course. ;-)

Yes! Which is even worse, because it’s official, and somebody who knows better should have put a stop to it.

Harsh but fair, I guess.

YES. Savages.


Hahaha, that’s perfectly fair then. :-)

These people are just BEGGING to be marked as junk.

Yes, and I know you’re just being flip here, but bad typography is distracting. Good typography isn’t about looks, it’s actually functional. You want people to be enthralled by your writing. You don’t want them have to enjoy it despite the sub-optimal packaging.

Honey, no.

Fun fact: Doing typography while keeping in mind the needs of people who have

My favorite English teacher ever (7th and 8th grade), gave us a spec list of what he expected our papers to look like, and showed us how to make that happen in word. I think he refused to accept assignments that didn’t conform to the guidelines:

Okay, but I AM a graphic designer, and I support your choice to use serif type, but I just feel like your life would be altogether happy and carefree if you maybe just tried another serif font that isn’t Times New Roman? You’re a writer! You have passion for the written word! You should take joy in typography, at