
It’s close, but it’s not RIGHT next door. There are other buildings in between, and it’s like a ten-minute walk. But I think you might be right—it’s possible someone was just like “eh, this is close enough.”

Yes. (Also, the Hirshorn is like a 10 minute walk from the African American Museum, right across the mall.)

You have internet access. You can Google just as well as I can.

LOL, you are so out of your depth here.

Doing unrecognized, uncompensated labor IS a burden.

The cartoon is “one-sided” because it’s talking about a sexist dynamic in our culture. If you (a man, I gather) do more of the housekeeping management than your wife, a woman, then congratulations, you are what is called an outlier. It’s not that cartoon is wrong—it’s that your experience is unusual. This has been


For everyone who hasn’t read it already, this document of collected comments on emotional labor (and feminized labor in general, including household labor) is really, really worth the read. I share it every opportunity I get, because it articulates a lot of things that we don’t always have the language for.

Was just going to share this! Binging with Babish is my new favorite thing. It’s so great.

But the pressure to get married and settle down (especially for women) was even higher than it is now. (Also, I think there’s the difference between a high bar for getting into a marriage versus a high bar for staying in a marriage.)

I think they SEEM less dangerous than dogs or bears, because they look so chubby and clumsy on land—people don’t realize how powerful they are and how agile they are in water, and they don’t think of them as predators.

Yeah. Well, it sort of makes sense—the bar is higher for what counts as a satisfying relationship when they’re easier to get out of.

I think it’s also worth pointing out that, historically, social/economic/practical factors made it harder for people to leave/end unhappy marriages. That makes it seem as though people are likelier to have irreconcilable differences now than they used to be, when at least part of the difference is attributable to the

There was a girl in my class in elementary school who could play “My Heart Will Go On” on the piano, and it basically made her THE most popular girl in school.

It’s a truly wonderful movie. I saw it in the theater twice.

Oof, that’s pretty bad.



That sounds like a baseless generalization. Whose financial freedom are we talking about, exactly, and what “irresponsible financial decisions”? You know, in more specific terms than “millennial snowflakes who I’m pretty sure eat $22 avocado toast twice a week.”