Sure, I’m really just speaking from my own experience as a graphic designer, here.
Sure, I’m really just speaking from my own experience as a graphic designer, here.
Yeah, I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t verify that interviewees actually have the skills they claim to have. But I’ve definitely been in scammy situations as an interviewee where I was asked to do literal hours of free work, ostensibly to prove that I had basic skills, which should have been obvious from my…
Um, irresponsible financial decisions on an individual level are not the cause of (or even a “big part of”) overall increases in fixed costs and decreases in wages in real terms. Those are the result of long-term policies, global trends, changing technology, etc.
You mean purchased portfolios? People who put work that’s not their own in their portfolio are likelier to just outright steal other designers’ work, not buy it. In any case, plagiarism is usually obvious when they can’t talk about their own work and process. (When I was starting out, I had interviewers point to…
Yep. And I’ve made my peace with never owning a house in my current city.
Ugh, as a designer, only the very WORST interviews I’ve ever been on asked me to do design work in front of them. At the same time, though, I more than understand the need to screen for people who actually know how to use the software. (And not knowing how to put text into a design file is incredibly basic, so.) Do…
Economists disagree.
The problem is not people buying avocado toast or Starbucks coffee or smartphones or whatever else. The problem is that fixed costs have grown in proportion to incomes. It’s really easy to make snarky comments about people making irresponsible financial decisions on an individual level, and sure, plenty of people DO…
It’s offensive because it assumes that a large enough of people’s incomes go toward extra shit that it’s possible to cut out little luxuries and penny-pinch ourselves into financial stability. In the past few decades, the portion of people’s incomes going toward basic necessities (food, healthcare, housing, etc.) went…
Jesus, are you really this thick? Avocado toast ISN’T a fixed cost—that’s the whole damn point. The fixed costs are the problem, not the toast. Which is the whole reason it’s patently absurd to lecture young people about fucking toast.
LOL, read a book. The economy now is not comparable to what it was for previous generations.
Your sure fucking implied it!
Not when condescending assholes like you go around pretending the problem is millennials and their fucking avocado toast because it makes you feel superior.
Well, assuming that housing prices don’t go up in those 13 years. Seems like a reasonable assumption. /s
Buddy, an entire generation struggling to buy homes is not a personal finance issue. You can’t create a systemic problem and then pretend it’s all just an issue of individual-level personal responsibility.
The idea that the overall trend of young people not being able to afford houses is a function of them being spendthrifts instead of a function of our parents’ generation choosing selfish and destructive economic policies is beyond insulting. Yes, obviously, you can’t blow all your money having fun and then expect to…
This is phenomenally insulting. Treating millennials as though we can’t afford houses because we’re flighty prissies obsessed with our smartphones who lounge around drinking too many twelve-dollar lattes is beyond cruel when the reality is that we’re mostly hanging on by the skin of our teeth after our parents’…
I’m not familiar with Jean’s Fables illustrations, but his Mother! poster seems distinctly inspired by Frida Kahlo: the background is similarly lush, and the image demands that its viewer confront something visceral and fleshy.
That’s nice to hear! It’s always disappointing to hear about when celebrities are secretly awful and mean.