
I have done this with all kinds of frozen things. It’s effective.

That looks like a decent way to do it—OXO makes great stuff. However! There is an easy, safe, waste-less way to do with with nothing but a knife:

Yay! I just love how it doesn’t waste ANY of the avocado. It’s a sad world when we’re wasting perfectly tasty avocado because of sub-optimal peeling/pitting technique. (Also, when your friend severs a tendon because of it and spends weeks in a hand brace.) Good luck!

It’s true, I do. :-)


Don’t stab the pit don’t stab the pit don’t stab the pit. Please.

No! That’s dangerous. No need to stab and twist. I have peeled and pitted hundreds of avocados in my time (worked in a kitchen in high school/college), and have a much better method:

I know TWO separate people who had hospital trips because of serious avocado-pit-removal injuries. One with somewhat long-lasting damage. DO NOT try to get the pit out by stabbing it with a big knife and twisting it out. This is not only not the best way to get the pit out, it is—as the article attests—super

Ivanka Trump is the perfect example of a woman whose “feminism” is all about gaining access to patriarchal power for a select group of privileged women, rather than dismantling patriarchal systems entirely.

Yeah, good point. Burning issues aside, microwave popcorn is still tasty, though.

Hahaha, amazing. (Popcorn I don’t really mind, though. Especially if people share.)

Pretty sure that’s a fireable offense.

It’s really not fair. It’s a great piece of design.

I think it coexists with the confederate flag a lot of the time, but not always? It seems like it was adopted into being a states’ rights kind of libertarian-type thing.

The INSIDE part is the self-cleaning part! You can absolutely wash the outside, just don’t use anything too harsh (as with laundry, the water and friction is doing most of the cleaning work, not the soap). Everyone’s body is different, so go ahead and try something new, and then pay attention to how your body reacts,

YES! Genius.

Now playing

This administration has been actively working to poison confidence in government

I think they were saying “goodbye” in reference to the fact that voting for this bill amounts to (hopefully) political suicide, and many of these people will (hopefully) be losing their seats when they’re up for election. Hopefully.

Ugh. I get that pageviews are the coin of the realm now, but fucking SERIOUSLY. It’s not okay, he’s so fucking toxic.