Can you guys fucking ban Locomotive Jones already?
Can you guys fucking ban Locomotive Jones already?
I just don’t wanna know what my poops would look like after ingesting something with so much food coloring in it. (I feel the same way about baked goods with too-colorful frosting.)
Oh, for sure ... but the anti-Semites seem to be out from under their rocks at this point anyway, so.
Wicked retort, man, congrats.
Yeah, that shit tends to backfire.
LOL, you’re so wrong. Literally having a mise is one of the biggest things that separates an amateur cook from someone who actually knows what they’re doing. “A good cook” ALWAYS preps shit before, because it’s more efficient and gets better results.
I mean, we’re having a hell of a time getting people to vote like they don’t want people dying in the streets of preventable illnesses, so. Theoretically, I’m glad that most people aren’t total barbarians, but it’s hardly reflected in our national politics.
most Americans agree at this point that everyone should have access to healthcare
Yeah, but that’s not the point that people are trying to make when they call it Romneycare. The idea is to underscore the fact that it’s a plan that has conservative roots, and was designed to help protect insurance company profits.
Yeah, it’s frustrating to try and talk about this stuff when people are so, so committed to seeing it as a zero-sum game.
But...that’s not really why a lot of people voted for her?
Matt Taibbi’s review of this book is an excellent read, too.
It always seemed like a possibility to me. Late summer, especially, it seemed like an extremely real possibility after the “grab ‘em by the pussy” video SOMEHOW didn’t just completely obliterate Trump’s campaign. And seeing that Trump’s and Clinton’s favorability ratings were both net negative—and something like the…
Yeah. The thing is, single-payer is cheaper for society overall—I think there’s a way to present that so it’s appealing to fiscally conservative voters. There’s also just the basic compassion factor. We just need to beat all the scary stories about rationing and inferior care. (I think Bernie Sanders actually had the…
It’s hard to criticize the ACA when so many people want to take it away, but it really is a deeply imperfect thing. It’s amazing how people seem to think it’s a product of Obama’s “super-liberal” (he was a moderate) agenda, but it’s just a national version of Romneycare—which was the Republican plan for healthcare.…
There’s a reason why a lot of people prefer the term “currently abled” to “able-bodied.” No matter how invincible we think we are, we are only temporarily well. Health is something that we can work for, but it is largely a function of luck, and outside of dying young, there is no way to opt out of getting old and…
I fucking love wassail! It is weird, though, that is true. It’s sort of the best part.
Fun fact: Oval-shaped rooms have actual corners in them, once you put in windows, doors, shelves, and furniture.
Trump: #1 in savage self-burns.