
Your syntax is a mess and I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

Oh, I think Jesse Williams was absolutely referring to “black girl magic”-type magic in his statement, not “magical negro”-type magic. In context, he’s talking about the tremendous value of black culture/creativity/genius and the fact that those things get co-opted and separated from the human beings that created

Black girl magic is an entirely different thing from the “magical negro” trope.

White girls are totally irrelevant to this conversation; that’s what we are. And that’s okay.

I see you’ve really grasped the complexities here.

“He likes the color red.” “This pencil belongs to him.” “He went to his office.”

You literally run into the same problem when you’re talking about multiple people of the same gender and have to differentiate which “he” or “she” you’re referring to.

The problem is that women actors don’t start out on a level playing field with men, because they don’t have access to the same quality and quantity of roles. Whenever you’re trying to correct an imbalance like this, you have to look at that actual impact that a proposed solution has in the real world, and not just how

People have been using they/their as singular pronouns for literally hundreds of years. There’s nothing inherently “weird” about using them that way, you’re just not used to it. Holding a pencil correctly feels weird the first time you do it, too, but that’s not a reason to not learn to write, you know?

hahah yep

A social marketing call-to-action hashtag, I guess.

And did you notice the “join the conversation” protest sign? Who the fuck talks like that outside of social media marketing? It’s beyond tone-deaf.

Why wasn’t botanical illustration offered at my art school? I feel so cheated right now.

By far the most depressing thing about this horrible ad is that we’re all talking about it. It went fucking viral. It doesn’t matter that everyone hates it—it’s going to be a net gain for Pepsi.

I guess I couldn’t really stop you if you wanted to?

Ah, sure.

Yes, that’s sort of my point.

Yep. There is no saving our filibuster until it really counts when there’s an even more conservative supreme court nomination. Because they’ll do the exact same fucking thing then. (And it’s not like Gorsuch is a moderate or something—dude is going to uphold Citizens United and erode Roe v Wade. The guy is

Gorsuch is going to uphold Citizens United (and probably go on to make even more extreme pro-corporate decisions), and erode abortion rights. He’s not the “least bad” anything.