
That’s not quite what I’m getting at, though it is true that Trump was definitely on the record with more liberal viewpoints in the past. (Even now, he’s left of conservatives on abortion and LGBTQ rights ... though that’s not saying a whole lot.) My point isn’t that he’d be in favor of single-payer ideologically, but



LOL, mature.

Passing up a chance at universal healthcare for the sake of maintaining opposition to Trump would be cutting off our nose to spite our face. It might actually be a good opportunity to demonstrate that Dems in Congress aren’t just opposing Trump out of sore-loserdom, but are willing to work with the administration when


Yes! I called this AGES ago. Trump is not really a Republican. He has no stake in conservative ideology. He’s driven by pure self-interest. And, weirdly enough, that actually makes him decently positioned to try and pass universal single-payer healthcare.

Anecdotes are not the same thing as data. Most people who graduate high school understand the distinction.

LOL, you’re fucking clueless. By all means, keep telling yourself stories.

The fact that a suicidal person is likelier to attempt suicide with a gun if they have access to a gun is not a matter of guns “causing” suicide. You seem to think that the only possible opinions here are 1) suicide is caused by lack of self-control, or 2) suicide is caused by guns. That’s your perverse worldview, not

Again, you seem to be having trouble with the reading comprehension there. You’re making a leap yourself there that I didn’t actually make. That’s on you.

The kinds of emotional labor described in the metafilter thread include the things you’re taklimg about.

If you don’t get the connection between service industry “emotional labor” and the feminized work of “emotional labor” that women are required to participate in uncompensated under patriarchy, you’re not reading very carefully.

Sounds like you’re pretty upset. Maybe you should read more carefully. You’re the only person here that’s talked about guns “causing” suicide.

I seriously hope you sit and think a little harder about suicide and why it happens. It’s beyond disturbing that you seem to see it as a function of weakness. I truly hope nobody you encounter in your life is ever discouraged from seeking help for feeling suicidal because of your attitude making them feel shame about

I can’t even begin to describe how fucking insulting it is for you to imply that people who are suicidal just lack self-control. That is some toxic masculinity bullshit that you need to seriously sit and reflect on.

Here’s a fun fact: more women attempt suicide than men. But more men actually die from suicide. Why is that? It’s because men tend to use guns, and women tend to use other methods. Guns are efficient killing machines. Having them around makes you less safe, not more.

Yes, that’s exactly why—you or someone you love. Unlike guns, medications and knives have utility in day-to-day life outside of killing people, and those things are also significantly less efficient killing machines than guns, so it makes no rational sense to get rid of them. “Stories” about people defending

I’m so very glad that you avoided that fate, and I hope you’re doing well now. I think people have a hard time recognizing that they (and their family members and friends) aren’t immune to depression. Shit happens. You don’t want to make it easier for someone to end their life (a somewhat statistically unlikely

It’s definitely for worse. Gun death statistics are pretty clear on that.