
Sorry to hijack the convo, but an LS-swapped Volvo wagon?? We need more on this.



F1 is still entrenched in archaic, by-the-rule rhetoric. Use logic, gents. Warn them of the issue; if they don’t fix it it, fine them. I’d like to think that’s how is happened, but they probably just slapped the fine on them regardless.

I can see that. When I test-drove a Subie STI it felt all sprung up, ready to go HAM. At some point when the wife and I were first at a stoplight, I wound it up to 3,500RPM, popped the clutch and BOOM, off like a bat out of hell. F-ing fantastic. Wife screamed in terror, but in a few seconds we caught up to traffic

Uuuugh! The mere thought! Hmmm, maybe Mitch was in the conference call too.

You inspired me to search for a pic of Driving God.

Not to mention good tyres over 205 r17 and larger are freakin’ expensive.

Sadly, you’re right.

The 4G63 is ‘da real MVP,’ I also think. I remember an article where they featured 4 or 5 daily-driven 1,000HP Evo 8s and 9s.

I’d imagine, since racecar, for weight distribution and ultimate racing position which is, I believe, arm at 90 degrees at the elbow.

Excellent suggestions. I’ve always wondered what they ended up buying.

Maybe he has a point. I test-drove an STI this past weekend and while bonkers fast it was incredibly harsh, and this coming from a guy who’s always driven harsh, noisy cars. I didn’t like the shifter either.

It was fun to watch how his racing line loosened after the first session. Before he was clearly giving the walls a wide berth but by the end of it he was like a mere foot away, maybe less.

Snuck in the YouTube stream at work today. Quite interesting.

You, sir, made me learn something today, thanks.

Lil’ man disemboweled himself!

You’re right. He was being downright reckless, no excuses.