
Had that kid ingested a freakin’ gallon?

I’ll give you that one.

Oh man! That’s horrible!

Triggered my gag reflex.

Now playing

This one’s probably the worst I’ve ever seen. Good God:

Yup. Went in too hot. Still, a pro could’ve saved that. Dude doesn’t know the car’s limits.


I grudgingly admit I was super-happy BOT beat HAM, finally. Looks like we have a real season here. And I’m a diehard HAM fan. He prob. would’ve taken it if his car wasn’t acting up, but I’m loving the Ferrari rivalry too.

Or 8 laps. Being petty. I’m bored at work.

Good on you! Grand time? Uh, yeah.

If someone did that to the communal grass behind my house I’d lose my shit too, to be honest. Aesthetics, Tracy, aesthetics.

I agree, but maybe I’m just jealous at how decent the grass that he ruined looks. Been struggling to get my grass to grow for years, then Tracy goes and f*cks up this grass.

I cannot quantify how much I love this thing.

That would be fun to watch. And while we’re at it, he should try out a V8 Supercar event.

I’ll admit it - I laughed, this early, thanks. And you’re right.

Real talk.

Obama tried to pass the strike through Congress and was denied; always tried to do things by the book. Not defending his inaction, but the first mixed-race/black president could not afford to be a loose cannon, thereby ruining it for future presidents of different ethnicities.