VW and Reliability do not occupy the same space at the same time.
VW and Reliability do not occupy the same space at the same time.
Ha! Same here. That poor ‘Vette.
Supa Hot ft. B-Bone rap battle satire.
Satirical rap battle. There are a few more, but this is the one from Supa Hot Fire battling B-Bone.
Cool. Learned something today.
True. But the droning it did was a major turn-off. I understand, even applaud, the efficiency standpoint, but a slushbox feels a lot more natural. What one is used to, I guess.
I feel like it’s easier to deal with a CVT if one’s used to automatics. I’ve always driven manuals and the one time I rented a CVT-equipped Altima I absolutely detested it.
OP got you there, Tracy.
Hamilton’s playing the long game here. Saw that wolfish smile he had at the podium? He has now realized Ferrari’s true pace and will adjust accordingly. Seb looked like he was wringing everything out of Gina.
I hear you. My S/O daily drives an ‘05 Mazda 3 hatch and I think it’s beautiful. Reliable A.F.
I grudgingly admit you may be right. But the Jell-O-like comfort on certain vehicles makes me immediately disinterested. Sh*t, I’m even lucky I convinced the wife to get the Mazda 3 hatch after her Corolla took a dump.
Felt that one, and I don’t even own a Honda.
Ha ha! Got one of those. Slow as hell, even with the manual But with a short-shifter and lowering springs it’s genuinely fun and I’ve never had problems with it.
I can’t give you enough stars! A bunch of my SOs had no wheels and they assumed I’d chauffer them everywhere. Maybe that’s why none lasted longer than a couple of months.
You too?! I legit want to tip them over, that’s how much they irk me.
One can only dream. I would love to see a Mégane in the flesh.
No such choices for us here. But thanks to a global economy, we now have the Focus RS and the Civic Type R, so things are looking up. Hope Mazda takes a chance, though.
I admit the Nagare design language was... strange, but I can’t fault the current Kodo design. It may be that it’s so much better than the former, but I love Kodo nonetheless.
Nope, no D for us, so to speak. You lucky bastards even had a manual version?