My thing is, why? What’s not to like about the 6? Taste is subjective, but I liked it the minute I saw it.
My thing is, why? What’s not to like about the 6? Taste is subjective, but I liked it the minute I saw it.
I don’t think it’s over-the-top sporty; it’s more elegant than anything, and looks unlike any other in it’s class.
I don’t know how the execs rationalize stuff but that Skyactiv-D would’ve been the perfect powertrain.
Excellent choice.
Why anyone would buy any other car in this segment is beyond me.
Hey, stay off my boy K-Mag!
To be fair, the good ones aren’t really cheap, according to a quick web search, and most have been thrashed to hell and back. Still, they’re Hondas so...
This. Is. The. Only. Answer.
I think that’s the sound of the beast.
Better yet, floor it and let the electrons sort it out.
Mother of God! Don’t envy you. A liter of cola or a large Farva should make you feel better.
I hear you, buddy. Never encountered snow till I moved to PA. The first few moments were magical. Soon after, the spell was broken.
“Reeeleeaaseee meeee.”
I accept, no worries.
That was my ejalulation-face, if it were misconstrued. I love the Silvias & especially Integra Type Rs.
To be fair, Porsches can handle that kind of hooning, if Chris Harris is an extreme example. Every performance shop does it. It’s just bad luck that the crash happened.