Yeah, no question who’s better between the 2. Even ROS admitted HAM has always had an edge over him, making this championship win all the more satisfying. I’m sure Hamilton will be freakin’ ridiculous next year.
Yeah, no question who’s better between the 2. Even ROS admitted HAM has always had an edge over him, making this championship win all the more satisfying. I’m sure Hamilton will be freakin’ ridiculous next year.
I know, right? Any other driver would’ve done the same, maybe worse. I don’t understand why everyone’s knickers are in a bunch about this. But Hamilton’s always been polarizing, though.
This, a thousand times this. As one who was almost ejected out the windshield during an accident save for the airbags, seatbelts and crumple-zones, give me that Mazda 2 all day.
He’s good, and Lady Luck smiled. Even the best drivers have the crappiest of days, but he was afire today, I can’t lie.
You may be joking. You may be right, though.
I can understand that and frankly, I enjoy commuting in this crazy D.C. traffic in my wife’s Mazda with the slushbox.
Happy for you, but I’d much rather have the STI any old day. It’s stupidly fun, while the Vee-Dub’s rather antiseptic. Great, sensible car though.
Ha ha! Valid.
Immediately thought of this. Thank you!
Sure buddy, sure. The only thing I’ve noticed on the X-Type is the chromed-out Jaguar on the hood; otherwise it might as well be a Camry to me. But you like what you like, and I respect that.
Funny how that works. Ze human can get used to anything, it seems like.
I’ve always driven manuals but when I have to drive my wife’s car, I slip it into neutral and pull the handbrake at stoplights, reason being it sometimes slips my mind that one needs to keep their foot firmly on the brake pedal or the damn thing will creep forward.
Norwegians seem to have some kickass names, like my favorite rallier of all time, Petter Solberg.
And here I was, just last night, catching up on WRC, marveling at the Polo R.
The fixed paddles on Ferraris annoy the mess outta me. I get it - don’t change gears mid-corner. But sometimes one has to.