
That does sucks for VET, and VES especially. But mouthing Charlie off didn’t do him any favors and he should know better, so I’m OK with the verdict. Besides, RIC got third, so all’s right in my world .

Ha ha! OK, that’s probably it right there.

I haven’t encountered a more Caucasian-American name than Reese Witherspoon. At least that’s what popped up first in my head.

Yup. And Clarence went to Cranbrook, a private school.

Oh, and yeah. Clarence is a colossal prick. And he smells.

Just pinched myself, walked over to a mirror and checked. No, I’m not Elena. Oh, and I have a beard.

Yup. Ho boy, stereotyping galore. I know some black dude whose real name is Clarence.

Damn straight. I don’t mind paying extra, but if one actively tries to swindle it pisses me off.

Nah, nothing will happen. It’s Vettel, and it’s Ferrari.

You may be trolling - or not - but I admire your bravery. And the answer is F*cking Yes. I, myself, watch Every Formula 1 event, practice included.


Indeed. The lack of penalties for violating track limits in Austin was getting to me. They do it everywhere else!

I actually like that one. It’s when it’s stuck to the windshields, especially the rear, that it grinds my gears.

How long did it take for the tow truck to arrive?

Looks cool as shit, and it probably drove like shit.

‘Nando and Sainz were on fire. Really enjoyed that scrap.

Wrong! Lewis is the puppet!

Wrong, King!

What! Never encountered anyone else who knew how to shift without using the clutch! My brother taught me how to a long time ago on a 1970 Datsun when the clutch went out, but I haven’t attempted it in years. My Mitsu is old and I did silly things with it when it was new.

I must admit that got me too, the first time I drove my friend’s GTI.