
I respect your opinion. That said, this is Jalopnik. Focus on his racecraft, please, which is undeniably good. Goes, too, for the author of this article. He, or others, may be little girls off the grid, but no one gives a f*uck.. Let’s raise the quality of convo here.

*sigh* I just knew this would show up on Jalop eventually, after I read about it yesterday. Ham-bashes are inevitable, so it seems. Focus on his racecraft, please.

I’m an avid fan of Subaru Rally Team USA’s documentaries and so I’m quite familiar with Higgins’ achievements - and capabilities - and that ride couldn’t have been easy for Robb. Sh*t, watching Higgins in the snow, manipulating that STI to do his will, makes me wince - in the comfort of my living room.

Now playing

You, my friend, have been watching too much Marc Marquez:

Wow. Impressive, thanks for sharing. Love fast wagons. My bro has a Forester STI, which is insanity. Yours n/a or boosted?

Camry drivers are so f-in bored in there; they are either asleep or have to be overly aggressive to stay awake. Oh, and they never indicate. I know I’m stereotyping but in this traffic cesspool that’s Northern Virginia, Camry & Prius drivers are the worst.

I know, right? Pics or he's playing us.

Now, that’s funny. When I first met my wife she was driving a Corolla. I thought I was screwed coz I liked her but hated the car, which is, unfortunately, astonishingly reliable, till the gods intervened and someone hit the car and totaled it. I got her a Mazda 3 - 2.3 hatchback - and we’re both very happy with it.

*sigh* Same here. Mine’s ‘Thundercloud Grey,’ but it’s more black than anything. Car’s always clean on the inside but a quick, windy rainshower would make that thing filthy. I made peace with that, coz I like black cars.

Precisely. A well-maintained vehicle can pretty much remain stationary on most inclines just with the handbrake. I daily-drive a manual and learned really early to always engage the handbrake when stopped. (don’t ask) Shoot, I even do it at stoplights.

I came here for ‘Thorn enhancing, and I leave satisfied.

Aaalrighty then.

Seems like everyone was understeering into that corner. Vettel had the ultimate racing line, Hamilton’s wasn’t too bad either, but Rosberg’s was completely off, trying to go around the outside even though he was neck and neck with Hamilton, so *bang*. There was no space for him either way, and they both got lucky

Indeed. The way he responded to VET’s charge was masterful. Gap down to like 4.6s. Couple of laps later up to like 6.5s, just like that.

Like Will Buxton once wrote: perhaps the gratest trick Hamilton has pulled is that people think he isn’t cerebral like, say, his teammate. Dude is super-crafty, it seems.

Star for you. Nothing anyone did wrong: Ham understeered into Nico because temps dropped; all was good. Ros just wasn’t on point today. Let me hear the next person who insinuates Ham can’t take care of his tires.

Been burned too many times by old cars, so I’m partial to new(er). There is no reliable V12 for under 30K so, Andrew, quit that sh*t, unless you plan on making it a permanent fixture on your driveway.

2-litre Turbo all the things!

I can imagine! At least the rally-spec suspension soaks it up in one compression; better than bouncing around after landing.

Sweet jump.