
Same here. It’s oh-so-satisfying when you get it just right.

Right you are. I have to check the badge to distinguish between an A4 & A6. The sheer size of the A8 is unmistakable, to me anyway.

You lucky bastard - an Evo VIII?! Yeah, can’t confuse that with my old OZ Rally; doesn’t matter that it’s modified. Stance, profile, tires - obvious to an enthusiast.

Like we’re all saying, Ford is easily the worst offender, for a manufacturer. For an owner, taking the badge off your 325i and slapping on an M-badge isn’t fooling anyone. It’s like me slapping an Evolution next to my Lancer logo. And adding the Vortex Generator from the Evo 9.

Precisely. VW owners have 2 happiest days of their lives: When they buy one, and when they get rid of it.

Niki Lauda once said that these drivers are selfish bastards. Or did he say egotistical? They know the rules front to back - the good ones, anyway. Ham knew Ric’s speed that weekend and would not, could not, let him past, coz there was no way he could keep up afterwards.

Like I told username Weapon10, I think it’s because the stewards mandate that if you’re the leading car, which Hamilton slightly was, and have to take a shortcut to avoid a collision, you maintain that position. But if the following car takes evasive action - and has to take the shortcut - and comes out ahead, they

I think the rules stipulate that if you’re ahead - which Hamilton slightly was, albeit JUST in front - and have to take a shortcut to avoid a collision, you’re supposed to stay in front. But if the following car takes the shortcut and comes out ahead, they have to give the position back.

Perhaps. But considering how committed Ricciardo usually is when passing, he would’ve found a way to pass him, sold Ham a dummy or something if he slowed down, and Ham knew it.

Ha ha! I know, right? Pirelli was probably forced by F.O.M. to make them since they’re always trying to “improve the spectacle.”

I see what you’re saying. On any other track - or most tracks anyway, all the tires would be right there. Probably slipped the strategists’ minds.

I may be wrong but if I remember correctly, they were pretty much side by side and were coming in hot. Danny had the line & wasn’t giving it up. Neither was Ham, so it could’ve been real ugly if he didn’t hop over the kerbs, hence Racing Incident.

Yup. Why call him in and then change strategy, especially since he was right by pit lane?

This. The softs weren’t bad at all and overtaking is almost impossible, especially since the dry line was so narrow. But like you said, hindsight.

He did not gain an advantage, and he did what he had to do. if anything, props to him for thinking on his feet.

It was a last minute change in strategy, as I understand. They had the softs ready, but Horner probably knee-jerked to Hamilton putting on the UltraSofts and made the call to switch to those. If anything, the mechanics did their best, I think.

As a Hamilton fan, I was sure Ricciardo would get it at first, so I damn near spat my drink out when Ham overtook him. Never seen RIC so gutted; felt so sorry for him, like HAM last year.

Yup. Singapore, for sure. Hope he wins there.

Hot damn. Sorry, man.

I agree. Even I, who hasn’t plunked down more than 1,000 at a time at a tuner shop, caught wind of JH’s questionable business practices in forums and such. Maybe 1st time guys who visit a tuner are more vulnerable. However, watching some of his awesome clips may have swayed me if I’d had the money, so I kind of