The real advantage of this vehicle off-road is that any body damage it gets will improve its looks.
The real advantage of this vehicle off-road is that any body damage it gets will improve its looks.
Possible future car review article? Will it grate cheese?
The “E” costs extra money, so they left it out.
I usually move over into the next lane for any vehicle stopped on the side of the highway. That way, people behind me can see it and be prepared in case they step out of the vehicle or need to pull back out onto the highway.
I really want to get a set of seats from an Elise or Exige for my MR2, but every time I find a used set for sale, they cost more than what my MR2 is worth.
I think they changed the seat design slightly in 2006.
That’s why they don’t come with cup holders. You’re not supposed to eat or drink in a Lotus, you’re supposed to focus on driving.
Maybe they inflated the tires to 55 psi, like the tire shop does every time I go to pick up new wheels and tires.
That’s why I added a rear sway bar to my 1986 AW11. It’s a lot more exciting when you almost die when your tires are wet and you take a corner too fast. lol.
It weighs about the same as a truck too.